2017年09月16日 一年级 homework 16.09.2017
16/09/2017 二课
本节课的教学内容:本节课还是以旧带新的形式复习巩固了旧的知识又学习了新句型“你是哪国人?我是。。。。课前的师生互问及日常用语的对话使学生不断提高汉语的日常用语的使用。同学们开始练习数数1-40.同学们对反义词和比较词语的对话练习有些难度,进一步加强训练 “大,小,胖,瘦,长, 短,高,矮”及句型的使用,我手大,你手小,我个子高,你个子矮 ”。巩固句型“你喝什么 ”?饺子好吃吗?饺子很好吃.及生字:包子,饺子,春卷,面条,米饭,水,咖啡,可乐,茶,牛奶,果汁,喝,好吃,并通过游戏比赛来和同学们加深这些生字的记忆和理解。和同学们进一步复习了句型的问答:“这是什么?那是什么?”这是。。。。, 那是。。。。礼貌用语的表达“对不起,没关系,请举手,请进”我们复习了文具 用品“尺子,书,本子,橡皮,书包,及句型 “我有书包,尺子。。。及我没有书包,橡皮。。。。通过句型 “这是什么?那是什么”的练习,我们一起复习了“灯,床,沙发,桌子,椅子,电视”的练习。本节课的新内容学习新教材 “汉语乐园” 2A 学生用书。学习新的句型 “你从哪里来?你住在哪里 ” 及复习“你是哪国人?”我是英国人,美国人,中国人, 澳大利亚人 ,加拿大人 ”及带领学生进一步通过认知国家的国旗来认知国家的名称:英国,美国,中国,澳大利亚,加拿大。s通过句型生字的学习,同学们可以会话”你好,我叫。。。。,我是英国人你是哪国人 “的会话练习。唱歌曲“你是哪国人”进一步加深会话练习。儿歌学习“地图”写字练习:中,国,人游戏:唱歌,游戏家庭作业:
1. 和家人对话练习“你是哪国人”我是英国/美国/加拿大/澳大利亚人。
2. 练习汉子 “中,国,人 ”
3. 朗读课文 教材第一课“你是哪国人”
4. 和孩子一起观看《你是哪国人》,复习第一课内容中的字词学校的春节
5. 注意:请来上课时,帮助孩子检查书包,带好书、写字本和笔。请拿到书的家长尽快联系陈先生购买教材。
What did we learn from Lesson 2:-
Learning while revising will be our main teaching/learning method in next 3 weeks. I hope you agree that the repeating is important for language study, it is even more useful given the time we could spend and the age of our children. So for the first part of lesson, we continue to review some sentences that the students did not perfectly master it “what do you drink”(你喝什么?)what do you eat(你吃什么?) water (水), coffee(咖啡),coca(可乐), tea(茶), juice(果汁), dumpling(饺子), bun(包子), rice(米饭), noodle(面条). Also we reviewed some opposite words “big(大), small(小), tall(高), short(矮), fat(胖), thin(瘦),long(长), short(短)”and through the games and matches to strengthen it. Some family members have been reviewed ”mum(妈妈), dad(爸爸), sister(姐姐,妹妹), brother(哥哥,弟弟) , ” and some sentences “who is he/she ?(他是谁) he /she is “Finally we reviewed “what do you have? I have ruler(尺子),book(书),bag(书包),eraser,(橡皮)pen”(笔)The new lesson for the second part of lesson is “what’s your nationality”(你是哪国人?)and some country’s name. America(美国), Britain(英国),Australia(澳大利亚), Canada(加拿大), China(中国). and through the new lesson, the students can have a dialogue “what’s your name?(你叫什么?你几岁?你是哪国人?)how old are you? what’s your nationality?-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the“人” (people)“中”(middle) and “国”(country) and a words test-4. Fun time sing the song and play gamesHomework:1 Please watch the video 《你是哪国人》, with your kid 。 Try to talk or play “where are you from ” together.2 practice dialogue with family members “你是哪国人(what’s your nationality?)我是英国人 (I am british) 我是中国人(I am chinese)3 practice new words 人,中,国,4. read the book lesson 1 text.5. we are going to perform a song “polite song” at the Chinese new year ceremony,please watch the video with the kids together and practice following the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb33N2vNtnc