2019年11月18日 Y4 四年级教学内容 16/11/2019 WEEK10
教学内容 teaching contents
1.复习(《中文》3第三课 在医院里)所学的生词共10个,课堂听写测验review the words we learnt last week and revise for spelling test
医(yī)院(yuàn)hospital 感(gǎn)冒(mào)cold ( catch cold) 护(hù)士(shi) nurse 量(liáng))体(tǐ)温(wēn) check body temperature
发(fā)烧(shāo) fever 带(dài)来(lái)bring 生(shēng)病(bìng) sick/ill 打(dǎ)针(zhēn) injection 吃(chī)药(yào) take medicine
就(jiù) as soon as /as early as/ only / right away
2. 分角色阅读对话 P22 (4) (《中文》3第三课 在医院里) read the text on P22 (4) in the book (lesson 3 in the hospital)
3. 听课文 虚惊一场 P23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDPdB2X5IdM
4.解释课文 explain the text
5.生词认读并造句练习 read and known the new words and make sentences with these words
自(zì)己(jǐ)myself 难(nán)过(guò) sad 安(ān)静(jìng) quiet 惊(jīng)喜(xǐ) surprise 当(dāng)然(rán) sure、 of course
家庭作业 Homework
1.练习册A P16 ~ P30 Practice Book A P16~P30 hand in the A practice book on 23/11
每周按自己的安排进程完成练习册的练习,11月23日上交练习册A 本
Spread your three weeks’ time at your own process to finish the practice book A P16-P30 please
2.复习第三课所学的字词 review and remember all the words in lesson three
医(yī)院(yuàn)hospital 感(gǎn)冒(mào)cold ( catch cold) 护(hù)士(shi) nurse 量(liàng)体(tǐ)温(wēn) check body temperature
发(fā)烧(shāo) fever 带(dài)来(lái)bring 生(shēng)病(bìng) sick/ill 打(dǎ)针(zhēn) injection 吃(chī)药(yào) take medicine
就(jiù) as soon as /as early as/ only / right away
We will do a writing test of these words plus three random words