2024年01月08日 Sevenoaks 幼儿A班 2024年01月08日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework
Apart from revising some key knowledge from last term, we have started to learn how to write this term. This week, we have learned three strokes in fundamental Chinese strokes. They are:
点 (diǎn) — dot, which is like a tiny dash.
横 (héng) — horizontal, which is a rightward stroke.
竖 (shù) — vertical, which is a downward stroke.
Please practice their pronunciation and writing at home.
as Chinese New Year is coming, we will continue practise the songs at class as well as at home. please help your child to practise through the week.
1. homework sheets attached for writing three strokes.
2. practise singing and dance at home follow the links provided last lesson.