2024年01月22日 Sevenoaks 幼儿A班 2024年1月21日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework
This week during story time, we read a book called [Insert Book Title], which introduced the traditions of Chinese New Year and how we celebrate the festival. The children now know the story of NIAN (年), the traditional food, and red packets, among other things. We also made Chinese lantern artwork (灯笼). The children not only practiced their fine motor skills, such as using scissors and sticky glue, and developed their design concepts, but they also learned the Chinese word for “lantern” (灯笼) as well as the colors used.
Unfortunately, we were unable to introduce the Chinese Zodiac this time, as we have other important topics to cover. We will cover it in the next lesson. As I mentioned last week, if you could let your children know their Zodiac animal, that would be great (属相)。
This week, we continued learning Chinese strokes, including:
Piě Diǎn 撇点
Shù Gōu 竖钩
Shù Wān Gōu 竖弯钩
Shù Tí 竖提
Héng Zhé 横折
Wān Gōu 弯钩
Please refer to the flashcards I’ve sent before for revision. I understand it can be confusing as some strokes are similar, but our children will learn the correct order for writing them. They don’t have to remember how to read all of them; the goal is for them to know how to write them correctly when they write Chinese strokes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your children’s learning progress.
1. Continue to revise the Chinese strokes we have covered, and they are welcome to practice writing at home using the provided template for Chinese writing.
2. Word wall game https://wordwall.net/sc/resource/66612857
3. Chinese New Year song and poem practice: