2024年04月28日 2023-2024 Sevenoaks Reception A 教学内容及家庭作业28-04-2024
We have reviewed the following content:
Numbers: 1-20
Chinese numbers: 一 to 二十
Colors: 红色 (red), 黄色 (yellow), 紫色 (purple), 蓝色 (blue), 绿色 (green), 橙色 (orange), 灰色 (grey), 棕色 (brown), 粉红色 (pink), 黑色 (black), 白色 (white)
Shapes: 三角形 (triangle), 正方形 (square), 长方形 (rectangle), 椭圆形 (oval), 圆形 (round), 五边形 (hexagon), 星形 (star), 爱心/心形 (heart)
Today, we learned sentences about ‘my’ (我的), ‘your’ (你的), ‘his’ (他的)/’her’ (她的). For example, ‘My eyes’ (我的眼睛), ‘your sister’ (你的姐姐), ‘his dad’ (他的爸爸), ‘her mum’ (她的妈妈). They learned about which word boys use to introduce themselves and which word girls use. To prepare for this topic in advance, we read a book called 《圆圆,方方》(I’ll attach this book below). It’s an easy book to read and recognize the vocabularies we have learned in class.
Additionally, we talked about the body during the lesson, and our children designed their own characters with names, body parts, and unique characteristics. They were able to have conversations with other classmates and talk about their names, greeting each other, etc.
For homework:
Please review the words we have learned through the Word Wall game.https://wordwall.net/sc/resource/72241306
Read and write the wordsheet if they are interested and have time.
Read the book 《圆圆,方方》with your family and retell it by the child again.