2023-2024 Reception A 教学内容及家庭作业25-05-2024

2024年05月28日 2023-2024 Reception A 教学内容及家庭作业25-05-2024

Lesson content :
Vocabulary (Speaking and Listening):
Part 1 (basic knowledge)
Ni Hao: Hello ; Xie Xie: Thank you; Bu Ke Qi: You are welcome; Du bu qi: I am sorry; Mei Guan Xi: It is ok; Lao Shi Hao: Hello Teacher; Zao Shang Hao: Good morning; Wan Shang Hao: Good evening; Wan An: Good night
-Shapes: 圆形,三角形,正方形,菱形,心形,星星
Yuan Xing: Round ; San Jiao Xing: Triangle; Zheng Fang Xing: Square; Ling Xing: Dimond; Xin Xing: Heart; Xing Xing: Star
-Body parts: Yan Jing: Eyes; Er Duo: Ears; Zui Ba: mouth; Bi Zi: Nose; Pi Fu: Skin; Tou Fa: Hair; Shou: Hand; Jian Bang: Shoulder; Jiao: Food; Xi Gai: Knee
-Fruits: Apple: Ping Guo ; Banana: Xiang Jiao; Pear: Li; Strawberry: Cao Mei
-Animals: Cat: Mao; Dou: Dog; Fox: Hu Li; Tiger: Lao Hu; Lion: Shi Zi; Horse: Ma
-zhe shi: This is; na shi: That is; wo you: I have; ni you: You have; Peng you: Friend
-New: Hao: Good, Bu: No; Bu Hao: Not good
-Zhe Shi: This is. Na Shi: That is
-Zhe Shi Wo De Hao Peng You: This is my best friend.
-Hao Chi: Tasty
-Bu Hao Chi: Not tasty

Part 2 (advanced knowledge)
Chong wu: Pets
Dong wu: Animals
Reading (continue practising the characters we have learnt): 牛,羊,马,鸟,兔

Homework (preparation for next lesson):
-Practice greetings – will be tested at the beginning of next lesson
-Practice numbers
-Practice all words in reading, Vocabulary and new content

Recognition list:
Remarkable efforts / Star students: 泰悦

Lesson video: