课堂内容:Teaching content 这周我们复习了第12课- 新年到, 做了小小的听写和完成了一些练习题。 This week we revised the lesson 12, completed a short test and did some practices. 下周是圣诞节假期前最后一节...
Last week, our little ones went through a tense and focused exam period. Today, they finally get to relax a bit. During recess, when the weather was nice, we had some outdoor activities together. We looked for crystal balls scattered on the ground. T...
教学内容 teaching contents: 详情请见see PPT PDF file文档 家庭作业 homework: 1.复习PDF文档里的词汇(revise the vocabulary in the PDF file) 2.口语练习(做好准备,把重点词写在作业本里) (Speaking practice,...
教学内容详情请见班级群。 家庭作业: 1,练习词汇。(Practice vocabulary) 2,p.49-6 Design and write a leaflet in Chinese based on what you have read in Activity 5. Use the English leaflet in Activity 5 as a guide. 每天 (měi...
中文四册 第5课《小马过河》 (30/11/2024) Four Chinese Volumes Lesson 5 “Little Horse Crossing the River” (30/11/2024) 1、看图片讲故事《小马过河》Look at the picture and tell the story “Pony Crossing t...
课堂学习新生字 lái 来 to come; to arrive; to come round 下来, 上来。 qù 去 to go; to go to (a place) (of a time etc) 上去,下去 、 chū 出 to go out; to come out 出口,出来, 出去, 对比了这两个词的不同...
1. 课堂学习Lesson Contents 车站 bus station, 公园 park, 超市 supermarket, 邮局 post office, 商店store, 图书馆 library, 学校 school 2. 复习:通过字卡,图片提示复习。 Review: Using cards and pictures to review. (1) 复...
Lesson content: Revision: Vocabulary (Speaking and Listening): 礼貌用语:Ni Hao, Lao Shi Hao, Zao Shang hao, Wan Shang hao, Wan An, Dui bu qi, Mei guan xi, Xie Xie, Bu ke qi. Shapes: Zheng Fang Xing (Square); San Jiao Xing (Triangle), Yuan Xin...