2024年09月07日 2024-2025 学前B班Reception B教学内容及家庭作业07-09-2024
1. 自我介绍,大家互相认识。 Introduce ourselves and get to know each other. 你好 (hello), 你叫什么名字?(What is your name?) 老师 (teacher),谢谢 (thank you ), 再见(good-bye) 2. 复习:通过字卡提示,复习部分已经学过的字,词。 Review: vocabulary cards used to review all the words were learned. (1) 数字(numbers) (2) 身体部位(body parts) (3) 家庭成员(family members) (4) 颜色(colours) 3. 课堂儿歌 Sing nursery rhymes 4. 游戏:颜色蹲。(同学们拿相应的颜色卡,被叫到的要做一个蹲起,进行朗读练习) Game: Colour duck. (Students take the colour card and...