2015年06月05日 2015年6-10月 学前班 作业
通过小组竞赛得苹果和个人竞赛得不干胶贴的方式来复习前几节课的对话和看图认字:”你叫什么?你几岁?你多大?他叫什么?他几岁?他多大?我叫。。。,我5岁/6岁, 他/她4岁。通过汉子图片卡片,同学能够熟练的指着自己相对应的部位说出“看,我的鼻子/眼睛/嘴/脸/胳膊/腿/手/耳朵/头发/头”。 在比赛数数1-20的过程中,同学能大声的按照顺序读出自己的那个数字。继续复习上节课的比较词:大,小,长,短,高,矮。通过自己和老师对比说出:我个子矮,你个字高;我手小,你手大;我头发短,你头发长。通过卡通图片打在投影仪上的大象,长颈鹿,让同学们更加深刻的理解:长短,高矮,大小;并说出短句:他鼻子长,他耳朵大,他个子高,他脖子长。同时加深了“我,你,他”的不同。
通过短片“家”引入新课,学习本节课的新内容教材汉语乐园1A第七课。让同学明白“家”的涵义。通过认知识字卡片让同学读出“爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,姐姐,弟弟,妹妹”。通过投影仪短片的播放,多种感官的刺激加深了同学们对新生字的记忆和认知。运用新生子学习新的句型:他/她是谁?讲解“他”和“她”的意义和用法与英文的不同。生生和师生的句型对练:他是谁?他是爸爸/哥哥/弟弟。 她是谁?她是妈妈/姐姐/妹妹。最后“身体歌”和“家庭歌”的跟唱让同学们既加深了身体部位名称和家庭成员的记忆,又缓解了2个小时的学习的疲劳。最后的小故事让同学们加深了学习中文的兴趣。
写字练习:在田字格里面练习写:十 。并重复连写:一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九; 11月7号会有一个生字测试 一到十
1. 继续快速练习数数1-20
2. 继续练习说出自己身体部位名称 眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴,脸,头,鼻子,头发,手,胳膊,腿,并会加上长,短,大,小
4.在田字格里面练习写“十”,以及发给学生的田字格练习字 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十。下节课(07.11.15)会有小测试 写出“一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十”
What did we learn from the sixth lesson:-
-1. Revision: The students reviewed the basic greeting words (Hello, how are you? I am fine, and you) and the numbers through singing the songs with teacher together. The test results showed that some students can write 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九 and some students can write some of them.
Through the way of two teams and individual competition to get apples and stickers to review the previous lessons dialogue and words. “what’s your name? How old are you? I am 5/6 ; May name is…
By watching the cartoon pictures and literacy cards, they can read out ” nose, face, hair, head, mouth,ears, arm, leg” and make the dialogue”look, my head/face….
During the counting numbers competition, they can read out the numbers one by one in order.
Continue to review last lesson’s words and dialogue: big, small, tall, short , long and short. By comparing with teacher’s hair/hand/height and they can say : I am short, you are tall; My hair is short and your hair is long; My hand is small and your hand is big…..
By using the power point to show the “elephant and giraffe”, the students can describe them ” his nose is long, his ears are big and he is tall; his neck is long and so on. Continue to tell the differences among “I, you, and he /she 7
-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 7, to begin with a new word “family” by watching a video “family” and let student understand what does family mean and how to pronounce “dad,mum,older sister, older brother, younger sister and younger brother; can understand and speak dialogue “who is he? who is she? Do some practice between teacher and student; student to student; 2 songs help the students to feel relax after 2 hours study and story time make them have more fun.
-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “十” the important words check will be on 7 November 2015 (一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十)
-4. Fun time The game”drumming and passing the toy”
1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-20
2. continue to describe the body’s name with long, short, tall (ears,head,mouth, eyes, hair, face, legs,arms,hands)
3. can ask who is he/she and she is younger/older sister/brother; dad, mum
4. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “十and from 一 to 九again ”
Please bring your child’s textbook, writing-note book, pencil and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks
If you have not got the textbook or you have got one but not paid yet, please contact Mr Chan for purchasing
通过五节课的反复练习和听说,师生之间可以顺利的进入到自己的角色中进行打招呼问好。通过简短的测试,很多同学能够独立的写出汉子 “一,二,三,四,五,六”继续巩固前五节课所学的内容,让学生看图片和识字卡熟练的读出眼睛,鼻子,嘴,耳朵,头发,脸,头并相应的触摸这些部位。通过 听,说,触摸,等多种方式来激发学生的学习兴趣和热情。通过看投影打出的熟悉的卡通人物来让同学们继续生生互练 “你叫什么?他叫什么?你几岁?他几岁?”继续巩固练习学生的薄弱环节 区分“我,你,他/她” 通过快速 “听并做出反应”的游戏来让学生熟悉 我,你, 他/她的不同。通过猜谜游戏让同学们练习句型 “看,我的眼/我的鼻子/我的头发/我的嘴。。。继续练习数数1-20
学习本节课的新内容:1. 教材汉语乐园1A第6课,通过卡通卡片,让学生猜出中文发音的“高” “矮” “长” “短” “大” “小”的英文解释并进行进一步的听,说,读的练习。运用多种感官的刺激让学生在读的同时在头脑里面尽量去记忆这些词和对应的图片。学习 “手” “胳膊”“腿” “脚” 让学生运用新的词来练习句型: 描述自己和爸爸妈妈; 如: 我眼睛大,爸爸个子高,妈妈腿长, 我个子矮,我手小;在课堂上,同学们兴奋的通过蹦跳和极力睁大自己的眼睛来像其他同学们展示“我个子高” “我眼睛大”等句型。
1. 继续快速练习数数1-20
2. 继续练习说出自己身体部位名称 眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴,脸,头,鼻子,头发,手,胳膊,腿
4.在田字格里面练习写“七,八,九”,下节课会有小测试 写出“一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九”
What did we learn from the fifth lesson:-
-1. Revision: After many times of repeated practice, students now are able to access their own roles to greet each other and with teacher.Through the important word check, I found that many students can independently write Chinese character 1,2,3,4,5,6 (一,二,三,四,五,六)。Students can read out the ” nose, face, hair, head, mouth,ears” by watching cartoon pictures and literacy card and touch corresponding position. By using listening, speaking and touching variety of methods to stimulate their interest in learning Chinese. Let the students practice with each other “what’s your name?what’s her/his name? How old are you and how old is he /she by looking at power point cartoon picture. Through the guessing games, let students practice sentences ” look at my head/eyes/ears/…. Continue to practice counting the numbers : 1-20 and recognize and read the literacy card with numbers 1-20
-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 6, I am tall. My hair is long. Learning the new words “tall, short, long, big ,small,fat, thin, legs, hands, arms. Practice describing themselves and dad and mum.Such as my dad is tall, my eyes are big……
-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “七,八,九” the important words check will be on 24 October 2015 (一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八)
-4. Fun time The game”describe and guess who she/he is.
1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-20
2. continue to describe the body’s name (ears,head,mouth, eyes, hair, face, legs,arms,hands)
3. can describe what dad and mum looks like. (Dad is tall; mum’s eyes are big and so on)
4. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “七,八,九 ”
Please bring your child’s textbook, writing-note book, pencil and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks
If you have not got the textbook or you have got one but not paid yet, please contact Mr Chan for purchasing
前四节课的内容以游戏比赛的方式继续巩固和练习。师生,生生互练的方式练习 “你多大?你几岁?他/她多大/几岁?你叫什么?他/她叫什么?继续练习区分 “你,我,他/她” 熟练回答 “我叫。。。, 我5岁,他/她叫……
学习本节课新内容:1. 教材汉语乐园 1A 第5课,认知识字卡片, “看, 我的眼睛/鼻子”;认知身体部位名称 :“头,眼睛,鼻子,耳朵,嘴,头发, 舌头 ”; 认知数字 一到二十
游戏:学习歌曲“身体歌” “你叫什么”
1. 练习数数1-20
2. 熟练说出头,脸,嘴,耳朵,眼睛,鼻子
3.会认知识字卡片 一—-二十 并会用手势来显示数字1-20
4. 和家人一起听看 “身体歌” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HahgQkxMYdI,
What did we learn from the fourth lesson:-
-1. Revision: Continue to review and practice the last four lessons’ content : basic Chinese greeting words: Hello, How are you? I am fine (good, very good) ; thank you, and you? My name is….. ;What’s your name? What’s her name? 2. Counting the numbers : 1-20 3. Can recognize and read the literacy card with numbers 1-20; continue to practice ‘I’, You and he/she”
-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 5, Look, my face. Can read and recognise ” face, head, nose, ears, mouth” also can read the words card. more numbers from 16-20, can count and read the literacy card, also can show their fingers.
-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “四,五,六”
-4. fun time: new song ” body song “; can perfectly sing ‘hello song” and“where are my friends” song
1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-20
2. practice question sentences :Look, my nose/face/mouth/ears.
3. can count and recognize the literacy card 1-20
4. use the following links to watch and listen with the child
Please bring your child’s textbook, writing-note book, pencil and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks
If you have not got the textbook or you have got one but not paid yet, please contact Mr Chan for purchasing
继续复习前三节课内容:使用游戏比赛的方式来继续练习基本打招呼用语 “你好,你好吗”, 我好,我很好;谢谢, 你呢?我叫。。。,你叫什么?他叫什么?他叫。。
认知汉子识字卡片 一—–十五;
学习本节课新内容: 1.继续教材1A 第三课:会问 你多大?你几岁?区分你多大,你几岁的不同.他/她多大?他/她几岁?回答 我。。。。。岁。2.数字认知十一,十二,十三,十四,十五 3. 区分并认知识字卡:我,你,他/她
写字练习:练习在田字格里面写入:一, 二, 三
游戏:练习唱歌 “你好,你好,你叫什么名字?;会熟练唱出 :你好歌;数字歌
1. 练习数数1-15
2. 和家人练习问好;他叫什么?她几岁?你叫什么?你几岁?能够熟练识别 “我,你,他/她”
3.会认知识字卡片 一—-十五 并会用手势来显示数字1-15
4. 和家人一起听看”你好,你好,你叫什么名字?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fm11XFw8uY
What did we learn from the fourth lesson:-
-1. Revision: By playing the games to continue to review and practice the last three lessons’ content : basic Chinese greeting words: Hello, How are you? I am fine (good, very good) ; thank you, and you? My name is….. ;What’s your name? What’s her name? 2. Counting the numbers : 1-15 3. Can recognize and read the literacy card with numbers 1-15; can difference ‘I’, You and he/she”
-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 3, How old are you? I am 6 years old. and distinguish between “how old are you” for adult and “how old are you” for the child question sentences. more numbers from 11-15, can count and read the literacy card, also can show their fingers.
-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “一,二,三 ”
-4. fun time: new song ” hello, hello what’s your name “; can perfectly sing ‘hello song” and“where are my friends” song
1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-15
2. practice question sentences :what’s your name? what’s his/her name? and answer the questions.
3. can count and recognize the literacy card 1-15
4. use the following links to watch and listen with the child
Please bring your child’s textbook, writing-note book, pencil and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks
If you have not got the textbook or you have got one but not paid yet, please contact Mr Chan for purchasing
继续复习前两节课内容:基本打招呼用语 “你好,你好吗”, 我好,我很好;谢谢, 你呢?我叫。。。,你叫什么?会熟练数数1-10
认知汉子识字卡片 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十
学习本节课新内容:教材1A 第三课:会问 你多大?你几岁?他/她多大?他/她几岁?回答 我。。。。。岁。
游戏:继续听说儿歌“数字像什么”;会熟练唱出 :你好歌;数字歌
1. 继续练习数家里的物品1-10
2. 和家人练习问好;你叫什么?你几岁?你好吗?你多大?
4. 和家人一起听看“数字像什么”录像。请进入如下链接:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh8UD2fR0QY
What did we learn from the third lesson:-
-1. Revision:last two lesson Continue to review and practice the basic Chinese greeting words: Hello, How are you? I am fine (good, very good) ; thank you, and you? My name is….. ;What’s your name?2. Counting the numbers : 1-10 3. Can recognize and read the literacy card with numbers 1-10
-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 3, How old are you? I am 6 years old.
-3. Writing practice:write own name and own age and use it to have a dialogue practice.
-4. fun time: continue to watch and listen “numbers song”; can perfectly sing ‘hello song” and
“where are my friends” song
1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-10
2. practice greeting words with family members
3. use fingers to show 1-10
4. use the following links to watch and listen with the child
Please bring your child’s textbook, writing-note book, pencil and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks
If you have not got the textbook or you have got one but not paid yet, please contact Mr Chan for purchasing
复习上节课内容:基本打招呼用语 “你好,你好吗”, 我好,我很好;谢谢, 你呢?我叫。。。,你叫什么?
学习本节课新内容:汉语 数数1-10, 简单学写 一,二,三
家庭作业: 1. 练习用汉语来数家里面的东西1-10
2. 练习学写一,二,三简单比划字
3.给家人唱 “找朋友”歌曲
本节课的教学内容: 学习教材1A 第一课 基本打招呼用语 “你好,你好吗”, 我好,我很好;谢谢, 你呢?
理解明白区分 “你好,你们好” 能听懂并快速做出 “请起立,请坐下”;
能听懂问句“你叫什么名字”?并会准确的用 “我叫。。。。来回答问题
认识识别生字:我, 你,好,谢谢,
会唱2首 “你好歌”
家庭作业: 1. 和爸爸妈妈兄弟姐妹主动用汉语和他们打招呼 2.用汉语和他们说出自己的名字 3.练习2首”你好歌” 请链接 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2vIczDXLiU; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTtLAirtE4Y
Hello children, welcome to our Chinese school to learn Chinese with us. What did we learn for the first lesson:- 1. Very basic and important Chinese greeting words: Hello, How are you? I am fine (good, very good) ; thank you, and you? My name is….. 2. Simply introduce myself “my name is……. 3. Can understand and distinguish between you and all of you 4. Can understand the question “what’s your name “and can answer it 5 Understand “sit down and stand up please” and can act quickly. 6. Recognise the new words: I, you, thank you; good 7. Can sing 2 “hello songs” Homework: 1. Continue to practice greeting words with family members 2.introduce themselves 3.Practice 2 songs use the following links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2vIczDXLiU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTtLAirtE4Y
Recommendations For Summer Holiday:
1)Watch some Chinese Mandarin cartoon. Peppy Pig link + Charlie & Lola link , both in Chinese Mandarin
2) Read textbook Chinese Paradise 1B
Thanks to every kid for working hard in Chinese learning, thanks to all parents/grandparents for your constant support!
Wish you all a great summer holiday! See you on 5/9!
4) Fun time:学着包饺子。
What did we do this week?
1) Revision: Chinese Paradise 1B
2) Continue with Chinese Paradise 1B, lessone 12, dumpling is very yummy. Key words today: jiaozi (饺子)
3) conversation practice: what to eat, what to drink
4) Fun time: learn to make dumplings.
4) Fun time:Show & Tell:涂色蛋糕,要求写汉字姓名日期。
作业:写字、如果可以请加拼音:吃 米,读写各10遍。观看短片:食物-food
What did we do this week?
1) Revision: last lesson, drinking.
2) Chinese Paradise 1B, lessone 12, dumpling is very yummy.
3) Writing practice: rice (米)
4) Fun time: colouring your birthday cake. write relative Chinese words on the card.
Please write and read 吃,米 10 time, add pinyin if your child can;watch video:食物-food
please bring books, pencils and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks.
There are many Chinese resources on YouTube, for instance the Chinese version of Peppy Pig, Charlie & Lola which suits our class very well, let the kids watch it at home regularly will help to create a “Chinese Environment” .
OR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgzUCeQDylg
四,fun time. 做一个节约用水、爱护地球的poster.
4) Fun time:Show & Tell:给爸爸做卡片,要求在卡片上写汉字。
What did we do this week?
1) Revision: I, You, He, She, It.
2) Chinese Paradise 1B, lessone 11, Introduce Chinese phases of we. you, they.
3) Writing practice: water (水)
4) Fun time: make a Father’s Day card, write relative Chinese words on the card.
Please write and read 喝水 10 time, add pinyin if your child can;watch video: 汉字—水
please bring books, pencils and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks.
4) Fun time:Show & Tell:你的书包里有什么。
What did we do this week?
1) Revision: boy, girl, China, Beijing.
2) Continue with Chinese Paradise 1B, lessone 4, I have a schoolbag.
3) Writing practice: ruler (尺)
4) Fun time: show and tell: what’s in my schoolbag
Please write and read 尺、书 10 time, add pinyin if your child can.
please bring books, pencils and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks.
4) Fun time:学画书包。
What did we do this week?
1) Revision: 4 seasons & Morning, evening.
2) Chinese Paradise 1B, lessone 4, I have a schoolbag.
3) Writing practice: shu (书), book
4) Fun time: draw a schoolbag
Please watch these 2 videos with your child: 她的书包 , 这是什么?
please bring books, pencils and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks.