2015年7-12月 学前班 作业

2015年07月05日 2015年7-12月 学前班 作业



在熟练的运用中文问好的同时,开始和同学们进行每天天气情况和每天星期几的对话练习,让同学练习多掌握汉语的日常练习。继续熟练的数数从1-70。复习上节课学过的“你喝什么?我喝牛奶/可乐/果汁/咖啡/茶/水;你们喝什么?我们喝。。。。”通过师生问答,生生问答的方式。通过让学生自己描述早餐来引出本课的新内容:“你吃什么?我吃饺子/包子/春卷儿/米饭/面条/;饺子/包子/春卷儿/米饭/面条好吃吗?很好吃。”出示吃的生子卡,同学们理解“吃”并跟读。接下来用生子卡及PPT出示本课的新单词“饺子,包子,米饭,面条,春卷儿”等及拓展的新生词实物出示”薯片,巧克力,棒棒糖,糖果 ”通过让学生跟读,集体练习,个人练习,小组练习的方式掌握新词的认知及新句型的理解及阅读。 本课的新句型和新生词比较多,所以同学们有些混淆。几组对练,师生的“说说捡捡”游戏把学生学习中文的兴趣提高到至高点,老师在托盘里面放入实物(巧克力,薯片,棒棒糖,糖果)和同学们进行对话“你吃什么?我吃。。。练习并让同学们从托盘里面拿出他们喜欢的食物,并进一步问到师: “你喜欢吃什么?生:我喜欢吃。。。。并拿出来,留给自己。 老师进一步问道”。。。好吃吗?生: “很好吃“。纠正发音不正确的同学,并帮助他们正确的说出句型,拿到自己喜欢的食物作为他们的圣诞礼物。接下来,进一步复习之前学过的生子和句型,出示家具”床,灯,沙发,桌子,椅子 ”等正确的说出“这是。。。那是。。。。”。生生互练“他/她是谁? 他/她是爸爸,妈妈,姐姐,妹妹,弟弟,哥哥”;进一步进行“大,小,长,短,高,矮的练习”。最后同学们的身体歌让同学们彻底放松了,一下。看到他们蹦蹦跳跳的即唱又跳,他们学习中文的兴趣悄悄地又滋生了不少。




1. 继续快速练习数数1-70

2. 练习句型“你吃什么”我吃包子/饺子/春卷儿/米饭/面条儿/薯片/巧克力/棒棒糖/糖果;好吃吗?很好吃。继续练习“你喝什么?我喝。。。”


4.继续练习生字 “米”及“有,大,小”

5. 下学期会有生子测试 “米,有,大,小”

6下学期会有中国新年的汇报演出,所以请小朋友和家长们一起练习 “礼貌歌”请看下面的链接


What did we learn from lesson thirteen:-

The students can fully understand the Chinese “stand up and sit down”  and can listen to  the words and act correctly. Learning new routine dialogues “what’s the weather today? and what day is today” let students master more Chinese daily expressions. Student continue to count the numbers 1-70.Review previous lesson  “what do you want to drink”? I want to drink water, juice, milk, coffee, tea。

Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 12 to begin with the sentences “what do you want to eat?.  Is it delicious? It’s very delicious”Show the new literacy card and students practice the sentences and new words one by one. Do some practice between teacher and students;students to students.Review the previous lessons furnitures and let the student say “This is bed, lamp, that is sofa, table,chair. Also review “Who is he/she and answer “she/he is “mum, dad,brother, sister” I have a bag, book, pen, ruler, eraser, notebook.”  2  songs and rhymes “Polite song” stimulate their greater interests on learning Chinese  and story time make them have more fun.

-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the“米” “大” and “小” and a words test

-4. Fun time  throw the ball and answer the questions


1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-70

2. Can speak “what do you like to eat? I like to eat ” Rice/noddle/spring roll/dumpling/

3. continue to practice writing “米,有,大,小

4. There will be a show in next term Chinese new year celebration, so please help student to practice song “polite song” followed the following links:-

5. We will have an important words test in next lesson “米,有,大,小”









同学们和老师已经熟练的运用中文进行课前的问好练习。同学们的常规练习数数1-60一个接一个的数数。老师和同学的歌曲互唱练习“你好歌”“我的朋友在哪里”使同学们已经做好准备,中文课程已经开始。学生组对组提问“你叫什么?我叫。。。;你几岁?我。。。老师展示给小朋友们准备好的卡片(文具类,器官,家具,家庭成员),问 “这是什么?他/她是谁?同学们回答,老师领读和纠错。请同学们起立,一起唱“身体歌”配合肢体语,让同学们在唱歌中学中文,即加深了他们的记忆,又增加了他们学习中文的兴趣。拿出文具字卡让同学们能够说出“我有。。。。”并回答老师的问题“你有什么”。

通过问答的方式来引出本节课的新课内容教材 汉语乐园1A第11课,你/你们喝什么?我/我们喝。。。。。;我喝/我们喝。。。。新生字 “咖啡,茶,水,可乐,果汁,牛奶,喝,我们”。用卡片展示各种饮料及其对应的汉语生词,示范其汉语发音。首先让同学们集体跟读,然后让学生们自己集体朗读,最后让他们分组朗读最后让同学们单独操练。通过“丢什么”的游戏让同学们即认真记忆本节课的所学的新生字又带动了学生的积极朗读生字的积极性。最后同学们自己来说“爸爸妈妈喝什么”?




1. 继续快速练习数数1-60

2.练习句型“你喝什么,我喝。。。并和家人进行对话练习 “你/你们喝什么” 我/我们喝。。。。


4.继续练习生字 “有,大,小”

5.下学期会有中国新年的汇报演出,所以请小朋友和家长们一起练习 “礼貌歌”请看下面的链接


What did we learn from lesson twelve:-

The students can fully understand the Chinese “stand up and sit down”  and can listen to  the words and act correctly. Singing the “hello song ” between students and teacher is to say that the Chinese lesson will start. They continued to practice numbers from 1-60. They can perfectly counted out 1-50 but they easily got confused among the numbers 50-60 and we will continue to repeat and strengthen their practice in the following lessons. Group practice to say “what’s your name? how old are you” and answer “My name is…….” I am ….”. Teacher showed some literacy card (stationery, body name, furniture family members) to practice the sentences “what’s this? This is …. and that is …; who is she/he? He/she is……; what do you have? I /we have….

-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 11,  to begin with the sentences “what do you want to drink”?.  show the literacy card “milk,tea,coffee, water, juice ” to teach how to read and students practice the sentences and new words one by one. Do some practice between teacher and student; student to student; 2  songs and rhymes “Polite song” stimulate their greater interests on learning Chinese  and story time make them have more fun.

-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “有 ” “大” and “小” and a words test

-4. Fun time  guessing game


1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-60

2. Can speak ” what do you want to drink?”milk, tea, water,milk, juice

3. continue to practice writing “有, 大,小 ”

4. There will be a show in next term Chinese new year celebration, so please help student to practice song “polite song” followed the following links:-






同学们已经能听懂常规的中文课前和老师问好。继续和老师进行课前的“你好歌”的互唱练习。拍手齐唱“我的朋友在哪里”能听懂并理解汉语 “请起立,请坐下”“请举手”“请开始”并能做出相应的动作。同学们继续数数字的练习1-50。通过猜谜的游戏引出新课内容教材汉语乐园1A第十课 “我有书包,笔,本子,尺子,橡皮”句型,并引申句型“你有什么”?”我没有….”.通过识字卡片及实物的出示让同学们反复练习生子“书包,笔,本子,尺子及橡皮”的练习并熟练使用句型 “我有。。。。;我没有。。;投影仪的出示使学生看到情景对话,并跟读句型和生词。

师生的投掷游戏进一步巩固了本节课的句型和生子的练习。在身体歌曲练唱之前,和同学们在次温习了 “眼睛,鼻子,嘴,耳朵,头发,脸,腿,胳膊”的生子练习,并加入了大,小,长,短等描述。击鼓传花的游戏让同学们练习句型“她/他是谁?他/她是爸爸,妈妈,姐姐,弟弟,妹妹等”及句型 “这是什么?那是什么”?复习我的房间“灯,沙发,椅子,桌子。复习儿歌和歌曲“我爱我的家”使同学们更加理解“家”的涵义。通过师生对问和生生互问的练习方式继续强化汉语句型的练习“你叫什么,我叫。。。;你几岁?我。。。岁; 他/她叫什么?他/她几岁?通过歌曲 “礼貌歌”来复习 “请,谢谢,对不起,举手”等礼貌用语。最后的中文小故事让同学们加深了本节课的重点句子和生词的学习。




1. 继续快速练习数数1-50

2.练习句型“我有。。。,并和家人进行对话练习 “你有什么”?我有。。。‘我没有。。。。


4.练习生子“有,大,小” 下节课05.12.15会有生字测试(有,大,小)

What did we learn from the eleventh lesson:-

The students can fully understand the Chinese “stand up and sit down”  and can listen to  the words and act correctly. Singing the “hello song ” between students and teacher is to say that the Chinese lesson will start. They continued to practice numbers from 1-50. They can perfectly counted out 1-40 but they easily got confused among the numbers 40-50 and we will continue to repeat and strengthen their practice in the following lessons. Through the further practices between teacher to student and student to student, they can perfectly spoke out “what’s your name?how old are you?” and so on. They can quickly and correctly say body’s name”eyes, nose, face, hair, head, leg, ears and so on. However, they are easily to confused with “tall, short, fat , thin, long and short and so on.Through the game “drum and pass the toy, the students showed more interest on the new Chinese words.

-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 10,  to begin with the sentences “I have…..” I don’t have….””what do you have” by creating some virtual scene.  show the literacy card “school bag, note book, pen, ruler, eraser ” to teach how to read and students practice the sentences and new words one by one. Do some practice between teacher and student; student to student; 2  songs and rhymes “Polite song” stimulate their greater interests on learning Chinese  and story time make them have more fun.Show rh

-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “有 ” “大” and “小”

-4. Fun time  Listen and join the words together


1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-50

2. Can speak ” I have…; I don not have….; what do you have?

3. continue to practice writing “有, 大,小 ” the important words test (有,大,小)will be on 5 December 2015



能听懂并理解汉语 “请起立,请坐下”并能做出相应的动作。熟练的和老师进行课前问好。课前“你好歌”的师生互唱让同学们预热他们的中文学习马上就开始了。同学们继续学习41-50的数字练习。同学们都能够熟练的数数1-30,由于本节课几名新同学的加入,数字的重复练习增加了几遍。通过师生对问和生生互问的练习方式继续强化汉语句型的练习“你叫什么,我叫。。。;你几岁?我。。。岁; 他/她叫什么?他/她几岁?同学们能够即快又准确的说出身体部位的名称,同时能简单的使用大,小,长,短,高,矮进行描绘。师生之间的投掷游戏的问答练习,同学们能够准确的说出“爸爸,妈妈,姐姐,妹妹,弟弟”等,复习儿歌和歌曲“我爱我的家”使同学们更加理解“家”的涵义,并顺势引出“我的房间”的重复复习。同学们通过小火车的组成游戏,进一步复习单词卡片“桌子,椅子,电视,床”





1. 继续快速练习数数1-50



What did we learn from the ninth lesson:-

The students can fully understand the Chinese “stand up and sit down”  and can listen to  the words and act correctly. Singing the “hello song ” between students and teacher is to say that the Chinese lesson will start. They continued to practice numbers from 1-50. They can perfectly counted out 1-40 but they easily got confused among the numbers 40-50 and we will continue to repeat and strengthen their practice in the following lessons. Through the further practices between teacher to student and student to student, they can perfectly spoke out “what’s your name?how old are you?” and so on. They can quickly and correctly say body’s name”eyes, nose, face, hair, head, leg, ears and so on. However, they are easily to confused with “tall, short, fat , thin, long and short and so on.Through the game “form the train carriages” students ave practised recognised “new words cards” and read it out correctly.

-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 10,  to begin with the sentences “I have…..” I don’t have….””what do you have” by creating some virtual scene.  show the literacy card “school bag, note book, pen, ruler, eraser ” to teach how to read and students practice the sentences and new words one by one. Do some practice between teacher and student; student to student; 2 new song and rhymes “Polite song” stimulate their greater interests on learning Chinese  and story time make them have more fun.Show rh

-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “大” and “小”

-4. Fun time  train game


1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-50

2. Can describe “My family” this is bed; this is table;this is chair;

3. continue to practice writing ” 大,小 ”




开始让同学们明白,听懂,理解汉语 “请起立,请坐下”并熟练的和老师进行课前问好。课前“你好歌”的师生互唱让同学们预热他们的中文学习马上就开始了。同学们继续学习31-40的数字练习。同学们都能够熟练的数数1-20,从21-40的数数过程中会有一些数字混淆在一起,我们会在接下来的几节课继续重复强化同学们的练习。通过师生对问和生生互问的练习方式继续强化汉语句型的练习“你叫什么,我叫。。。;你几岁?我。。。岁; 他/她叫什么?他/她几岁?同学们能够即快又准确的说出身体部位的名称,但是对于描绘的词汇会有混淆和不太熟练,比如个子高,眼睛大,胳膊长/短,身体胖瘦之类,也需要在接下来的几节课里面进行强化训练。

通过投影仪打出的图片让同学们猜猜 “这是什么?那是什么” 来引出本课的新句型及“我的房间”学习本节课的新内容教材汉语乐园1A第八课。通过认知识字卡片让同学读出“沙发,椅子,桌子,灯,电视等。通过投影仪图片的播放,多种感官的刺激加深了同学们对新生字的记忆和认知。运用新生字学习新的句型:这是什么?那是什么?讲解“这”和“那”的意义和用法。生生和师生的句型对练:这是什么?那是什么?这是桌子,椅子,沙发。。。; 那是电视,灯。。。生生对练及小火车的游戏使同学们加深了本节课的句型及生子的练习。最后“我爱我的家”儿歌及歌曲的跟唱让同学们更加兴趣盎然地学习中文,又缓解了2个小时的学习的疲劳。最后的中文小故事让同学们加深了本节课的重点句子和生词的学习。

写字练习:在田字格里面练习写:十二 。并重复连写:五,六,七,;



1. 继续快速练习数数1-40



What did we learn from the ninth lesson:-

Let students understand the Chinese “stand up and sit down” and can listen to  the words and act correctly. Singing the “hello song ” between students and teacher is to say that the Chinese lesson will start. They are continuing to lean counting the numbers from 31-40. They can perfectly counted out 1-20 but they easily got confused among the numbers 21-40 and we will continue to repeat and strengthen their practice in the following lessons. Through the further practices between teacher to student and student to student, they can perfectly spoke out “what’s your name?how old are you?” and so on. They can quickly and correctly say body’s name”eyes, nose, face, hair, head, leg, ears and so on. However, they are easily to confused with “tall, short, fat , thin, long and short and so on.

-2. Chinese Paradise 1A, lesson 8,  to begin with the sentences “what’s this? what’s that”and my room by watching a picture” my room” and let student recall their own room  and show the literacy card “table, chair, tv, sofa, bed ” to teach how to pronounce ; can understand and speak dialogue “what is this? what is that? Do some practice between teacher and student; student to student; 2 new song and rhymes “I love my family” stimulate their greater interests on learning Chinese  and story time make them have more fun.

-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “十二” and continue to practice 五,六,七

-4. Fun time  The game”the train”


1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-40

2. Can describe the family members (dad is tall, mum is short and so on)

3. can ask what’s this and what is that and can answer use their rooms’ furniture.

4. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “十二and from 一 to 十again ”




本节课是复习总结课,经过了一个星期的休息,帮助同学们一起回忆假期之前学习的所有内容。课前的日常打招呼用语 “你好,你好吗”,我好,我很好,你呢” 同学们能够基本熟练掌握. 在熟练数数1-20的基础上,同学们继续学习21-30数字练习。同学们能够熟练的按照顺序的数出1-20并能够看着识字卡片读出一-二十。通过和老师互动的方式看着老师指的相对应的部位,熟练的说出自己身体的部位。脸,鼻子,眼睛,嘴,耳朵,头发,胳膊,腿,脚。能够看着识字卡片准确的读出这些身体部位的名称。看着识字卡片读出:大,小,高,矮,长,短,胖,瘦并会使用这些词来描述家人和自己。通过小组练习,互相问候的方式来重复练习:你叫什么?你几岁?他叫什么?他几岁?再次练习同学们总是混淆的 “我,你,他/她”,通过师生问答的方式来练习家庭成员。他/她是谁?他/她是爸爸,妈妈,姐姐,哥哥,弟弟,妹妹。能够看识字卡片准确的读出家庭成员的名称。同学们兴趣盎然地拿出自己的家里照片给其他同学们介绍了自己的家庭成员。简短的生子测试一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十。绝大多数的同学能够熟练写出一,二,三,四,五;一部分同学能够写出一到十。身体歌曲的唱出及运动既让同学们在愉快的唱歌过程中复习了身体的名称,又让同学们在2个小时的学习时间里面得到了放松和愉悦。

写字练习:在田字格里面练习写:十一 。并重复连写:一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十;



1. 继续快速练习数数1-30

2. 继续练习说出自己身体部位名称 眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴,脸,头,鼻子,头发,手,胳膊,腿,并会加上长,短,大,小,胖,瘦,高,矮


What did we learn from the seventh lesson:-

This is revision lesson, after one week break, help students to review what they learned before holiday.

-The students reviewed the basic greeting words (Hello, how are you? I am fine, and you) and the numbers through singing the songs with teacher together. Continued to build their counting skills and they can count from 1-30. Through the “act and speak out “games, they can quickly named their body.

-Through the way of group practice to review the dialogue and words. “what’s your name? How old are you? I am 5/6 ; May name is…;what’s his/her name?how old is he/she?

By looking at the literacy cards, they can read out ” nose, face, hair, head, mouth,ears, arm, leg, long,short, fat ,thin,tall and short and make the dialogue”look, my head/face….

– By using “long, short,big,small ect ” to describe the family members.

During the counting numbers competition, they can read out the numbers one by one in order 1-30

Continue to tell the differences among “I, you, and he /she  7

-By looking at literacy cards, students can tell and read “dad,mum,older sister, older brother, younger sister and younger brother”; can  speak dialogue “who is he? who is she? Do some practice between teacher and student; student to student; body song helped the students to feel relax after 2 hours study and story time make them have more fun.

-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “十一”

-4. Fun time  The game”drumming and passing the toy”


1. continue to practice counting the numbers 1-30

2. continue to describe the body’s name with long, short, tall  (ears,head,mouth, eyes, hair, face, legs,arms,hands)

3. can ask who is he/she and she is younger/older sister/brother; dad, mum

4. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the “十一and from 一 to 十again ”


Please bring your child’s textbook, writing-note book, pencil and a bottle of water, small amount of food for your child. Thanks

If you have not got the textbook or you  have got one but not paid yet, please contact Mr Chan for purchasing