15/10 Reception

2016年10月19日 15/10 Reception

Review Unit 1

Recognize Ni, wo, ta. Ni hao. Zaijian .  huanying. Xie xie.

Practice the strokes: héng, shù , piě, nai , dian , ti

Practice writing words: da, shàng ,wén ,jiāng

Practice: Ni jiao shenme? Wo jiao ___________.

Ta jiao shenme? Ta jiao ____________.

New: jian zi kicking. Show them the video and then play.

Songs: zhao péng yǒu

Story: Student’s book P 11

Preview homework: workbook P7

Homework :  1. workbook page 7.8 and 9

2.  da, shàng ,wén ,jiāng