2017年03月13日 11-3 Toddler class
Warm up songs:
2 zhi lao hu
Tou er jian bang xi jiao zhi
Face, eyes(see), ears(hear), nose(smell), mouth(eat and speak)
Sentence: kan, wo de _________.
– draw and guess which part of face
Review: ba ba, ma ma, ge ge, jie jie
Activity: Children put the finger puppets on their fingers when they hear (ba ba , ma ma ..ect.) they need to come to the front and say here I am ( zai zhe li).
New: di di , mei mei.
Sentence: Ta shi _____.
Review: 1 to 10
- Clap hands, jump, stamp their feet and turn around and count to ten.
- Use the hammers to hammer the pictures.
- Match the picture and words
– colour finger family
– Oral examination the words of baba, mama, gege, jiejie and baobao when they colouring the pictures
Homework: Colour (trace) the characters and draw pictures of ge ge and jie jie.