1/4 Toddler

2017年04月06日 1/4 Toddler


Warm up songs:

Action song

Tou er jian bang xi jiao zhi

Review: 1 to 10

Finger Rhyme

Yi  zhi shou zhi tou  : mao mao chong

Er  zhi shou zhi tou : xiao bai tu

San zhi shou zhi tou : xiao hua mao

Si  zhi shou zhi tou : pang xie zou

Wu zhi shou zhi tou : hu die fei


Classroom instruction:

  • Zuo xia (sit down)
  • Zhan qi lai (stand up)
  • Zhuan quan quan (turn around)


New: colours

  • Lan se (Blue)
  • Hong se (Red)
  • Lu se (Green)
  • Fen se (Pink)
  • Zi se (Purple)
  • Huang se (Yellow)
  • Cheng se (Orange)


(Chant Red red, Stand up , turn around sit down )

Hong se, hong se, zhan qi lai, zhuan quan quan, zuo xia


Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfvlQtETbj0


Activity:  Easter egg hunt ( number paper are in the egg, children find the egg will need to tell teacher the colour of the egg and the number inside)


Homework: colour the numbers and draw the object to represent the numbers.