Home work 06/05/2017

2017年05月06日 Home work 06/05/2017

1. 进行课前的日常汉语对话练习及复习之前学过的内容。(例如数数,日常对话: 今天星期几?今天天气怎么样?)
Review the previous contents and daily dialogue. (e.g Count the numbers, what day is today? what’s the weather look like today)

2. 本节课的新内容:学习汉语乐园教材3B第十二课,学习新句型“ 新年快到了” “你要做什么” “我要去旅行” 扩展句型练习“ 生日快到了, 圣诞节快到了, 春节快到了” “你要做什么?我要看爷爷和奶奶,我要看朋友,我要吃汉堡包。。。。。 新生字的学习 “春节, 看爷爷和奶奶,看朋友 ”,学习认知生字卡。使用新的生字带入句型中:同学们自己说新年,圣诞节,生日,春节的愿望。

2. New contents: Continue to learn Chinese Paradise book 3B lesson 12. We have learned new dialogue ” New year is coming soon, what do you want to do? I am going to travel.” we also extended the dialogue to “Christmas is coming soon, My birthday is coming soon, Chinese new year is coming soon. What do you want to do? I am going to see grand dad and grand mum; I am going to see my friend, I want to eat Hamburger” Learned the new words: look, grand dad, grand mum, friend Chinese new year.

3. 汉语拼音的声母和韵母整体认读。

3. Chinese Pinyin (alphabet)

4. 学习新生字”去旅行”和巩固练习 “快乐,礼物,体育,洗澡,买卖,画画,瓜,苹果,电,网球,春天,打,星,期“左右,后 “上,下 中 坐 火 车,新年快乐,生日,山,和,要

4. new words “go (去) travel (旅行) and continue review old words 快乐 (happy),礼物 (gift),体育 (PE),洗 (wash)澡 (bath),买 (buy)卖(sell),画画(draw),瓜(melon),苹果(apple),电(electricity),网(tennis)球(ball),春天(spring),打(play,hit),星,期(date)“左(left)右(right),后(behind) “上(up),下(down) 中(middle) 坐(sit) 火 车(train),新(new)年(year)快乐(happy),生日(birthday),山(mountain),和(and),要(want)

5. 看书阅读本节课的对话练习及生字

5. read the dialogue 12B

6. 课堂练习册的练习 第2题

Exercises books question 2

7 课堂活动 新年快乐歌及诗歌朗诵 静夜思

7. Class activities happy new year song and Poem

Home work
1. 和家里成员练习对话,新年/春节/圣诞节/生日要到了,你要做什么?我要。。。。。
1. Practice new dialogue and new words learned ”new year/Christmas/Birthday is coming soon, what do you want to do? I want to ….

2. 阅读课文 第十二课的对话练习
2. Read the text book lesson 12 dialogues
3. 完成“快乐,礼物”的描摹练习
3. practice on the hand out “去旅行” (go travel)