家庭作业 homework 30/09/2017

2017年10月01日 家庭作业 homework 30/09/2017

今天的教学内容为汉语乐园(Chinese Paradise 2A)第3课:现在几点




4) 继续学习汉字书写基本笔顺规则:先上后下、从左到右。练习写字“几点从”汉语数字 “一-十” 中国人。

5)Fun time: 观看https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmAbAZ4LACU 你是哪国人?


1)请和家人练习现在几点,现在 。。。。点;并练习自己每天几点起床,吃饭上学。

2)请完成打印作业 “几点从;中国人”。及练习册第13页 第2题



1) 请提醒您的孩子,每次上课都要带上课本和笔。

2) 建议给孩子带瓶水和一点食物。


What did we learn this week?

We started lesson 3 of Chinese Paradise 2A, “time & date”.

1) Review. where are you from and what’s your nationality. Daily dialogue “what’s the weather looks like today and the Chinese numbers.

2) New words & Dialogues. “现xiàn在zài几jǐ点diǎn?”. 现在几点了(what time is it now?)?现在8点半(It is half past eight) , etc morning, night, noon

3) Continue with the writing skills. “UP—Down, Left—-Right”. Practised “早上”(morning)一-十 (chinese number 1-10).

4) Reading time: text book lesson 3

5) Fun time: we watch a short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmAbAZ4LACU.


1)Talk about the time with family members

2) Please complete the print out the homework sheets (2 pages in total): 中国人,几点从;practice book p13 question 2

3) Please use the homework sheets to talk time with your kid.


a, Please make sure your little one brings his/her textbook and a pencil!

b, A bottle of water and some snacks recommended.

c, the disk that goes with “Chinese Paradise” includes aloud-reading of all lessons/reading materials in the book, please use it.

Thanks! See you next week!