家庭作业 HOMEWORK 07/10/2017

2017年10月07日 家庭作业 HOMEWORK 07/10/2017


今天的教学内容为汉语乐园(Chinese Paradise 2A)第4课:今天星期几?今天星期。。。。

2,复习<<汉语乐园>>(Chinese Paradise 2A)第1-3课,巩固关于时间的词语“星期一”至“星期日”,数字1-10
3, 学习<<汉语乐园>>(Chinese Paradise 2A)第4课:今天星期几?昨天,今天及明天的学习。学习提问并且能够正确回答:“今天星期几?明天星期几?昨天星期几” 等等
4,按照汉字基本笔画顺序,练习写字 “日,月,星”
4,Fun time: 观看 歌曲 “星期歌”。
5,阅读 课文,第4课

3,复习阅读 <<汉语乐园》第4课 4. 练习册 P14-15 4,5,6 题 及p17 2 题 小提示: 1,每次上课请准备好《汉语乐园》和笔。 2,建议给孩子带上适量的零食和水 3)别忘记适当的温习功课和做家庭作业 What did we learn this week? New class lesson four, teaching content: 1. A routine Chinese dialogue was practised. What’s the weather look like today? It’s raining/windy day/sunshine/cloudy. 2. A recap of Chinese Paradise A2 lessons 1 to 3. Consolidating their knowledge on ‘How to talk time/what day is today?’. 3. Studying Chinese Paradise 2A lesson 4. Learning to ask questions on the day, such as ‘What day is it today?’ and Toay/Yester day/Morning’ 4. Practice writing ‘日(sun)月 (moon)星’ in Chinese (ensuring correct stroke order). 5. Fun time: short video on ‘the song of the date. 6. Reading time:text book 4. Homework: 1. Practice writing the characters ‘日,月,星’ (calendar) handout 2. Discussion with your little one(s) on the topic of ‘day’. Practice dialogue with them. 3. reading Lessons 4. 4. practice book P14 questions 4,5,6; p17 question 2