2017年10月16日 homework 家庭作业14/10/2017
本节课的教学内容:本节课是小阶段复习课,在和同学们熟练的用中文问好之后,和同学们开始进行“今天天气怎么样”以及“今天是星期几”的互答互问练习。熟练数数1-100.复习前几节课学过的句型和生字。通过打招呼的练习,巩固了汉语“你好,你好吗?我很好,谢谢,你呢?”以及你好歌的互唱更加加深了礼貌用语的使用。跟唱歌曲“我的朋友在哪里”让同学们兴奋的开始了一节生动有趣的中文学习。这首歌巩固了数数的练习。在同学们兴奋的情绪下,师生和生生的会话练习“你叫什么?我叫。。。。,你几岁?我。。。。岁。之后身体部位的生子卡片的出示 “头,鼻子,嘴,脸,头发,耳朵,胳膊,腿,脚 ”,让同学们又开始了他们熟悉的说一说摸一摸的游戏时间,同学们通过单词的卡片大都记忆起了身体部位的名称说法,同学们比较难掌握一点的就是用作比较的句型”我的头发短,你的头发长 ” “我手小,你手大 ” 等等。身体部位歌曲的播放让同学们又开始他们愉悦的唱唱跳跳的时间了。投掷游戏开始了同学们的句型和生字的快速反应练习,句型 “我有。。。。,我没有。。。” “我有书包,尺子,本子,笔,尺子,橡皮” 。 家庭成员的称呼是同学们掌握的最熟练,说的最好的生字和句型“他/她是谁? 他/她是爸爸妈妈, 姐姐,妹妹,哥哥,弟弟” 。接下来的是家具的生字,这是什么?那是什么?这是“灯,床,电视,沙发,椅子”小火车的游戏,让稍微有些疲劳的小朋友们又振奋起来。最后,你吃什么?你喝什么?我吃 米饭,面包,春卷,饺子,包子,面条;我喝 水,咖啡,可乐,茶 让同学们从白板上面看缺什么,就说出句型 “我/我们吃/喝。。。。。饺子好吃吗?饺子很好吃。经过长时间的说和听的强化训练,同学们需要静下来开始写字,复习上节课的生字 “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十 ”和老师一起来练习写字及 “大 最后师生合唱“幸福的孩子爱唱歌” 为了中国新年的节目。
家庭作业:1. 继续练习 你是哪国人?今天星期几?今天是几月几号?。3.和家人进行礼貌用语的练习“请,谢谢,对不起。4.继续练习生字 “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,中国人,从,日月星”
5. 两首诗歌的朗读及时间和数字的练习(发的两页纸的作业)
What did we learn from lesson One:-This lesson is revision, we reviewed all the contents we learned from last term. After say “hello” to each other, we started to practice routine dialogues “what’s the weather today? and what day is today” let students master more Chinese daily expressions. Student continue to count the numbers 1-100. Through practising to greet each other and sing the “hello song” to strengthen the sentences ” how are you? I am fine and you” eg. After sing the song “where is my friend”, students showed more interested in the Chinese learning.Review previous lesson-the sentences “what’s your name?” how old are you” Showed the literacy cards “head,mouth,face,eyes,ears, arms,legs e.g and reviewed the sentences “My hand is small; your hand is big e.g “what do you want to drink”? I want to drink water, juice, milk, coffee, tea。and “what do you want to eat?. Is it delicious? It’s very delicious”Show the literacy card and students practice the sentences and the words one by one. Do some practice between teacher and students;students to students.Review the previous lessons furnitures and let the student say “This is bed, lamp, that is sofa, table,chair. Also review “Who is he/she and answer “she/he is “mum, dad,brother, sister” I have a bag, book, pen, ruler, eraser, notebook.” 2 songs and rhymes “Polite song” stimulate their greater interests on learning Chinese and story time make them have more fun.-3. Writing practice: By using the 田 writing paper sheets to practice the previous words ” and a words test-4. Fun time throw the ball and answer the questions
Homework: 1. continue to practice daily dialogue
2. Can speak “what do you like to eat? I like to eat ” Rice/noddle/spring roll/dumpling/ and comparison sentences.
3. continue to practice writing “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,中国人,从,日月星”
4. two hand out sheets read the poem and practice time and numbers.