14-10 Toddler

2017年10月18日 14-10 Toddler

Warm up
Song: 1234567
Clock song


故事: 现在几点, Maisy?
故事中我们学到: 在什么时间做什么
如: 8点起床: 穿衣服: 洋装, 裤子, 工作服, 套头外衣.
10点购物: 面包, 奶酪, 果汁, 蕃茄
12点 午餐: 三明治, 香蕉, 果汁, 酸奶
2点 玩耍: 水桶, 球, 风筝, 拖拉机
4点点心时间: 奶油, 蛋, 面粉, 糖
7点 睡觉时间: 拖鞋, 书, 熊猫

新歌: 我的一天
歌词中我们学到: 8点起床, 12点肚子饿, 4点玩, 8点睡觉
活动: 用我们亲手做的时钟, 告诉老师几点.
数数: 1 到20 (拍手数, 点头数, 踏脚数.跳着数..
HW : trace and write number 1 to 5

Warm up: 1,2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Clock song
Review Arabic number and Chinese numbers 1 to 5
Story time: What’s the Time, Maisy?
In the story we learn what would we do at such time.
For example: At 8 o’clock she gets up and gets dressed: dress, trousers, dungarees, jumper
At 10 o’clock she goes shopping: bread, cheese, orange juice, tomatoes
At 12 o’clock she eats lunch: sandwiches, bananas, juice, yogurt
At 2 o’clock is play time: bucket, ball, kite, tractor
At 4 o’clock is tea time: butter, eggs, flour, sugar
At 7 o’clock is bed time: drink, slippers, book, panda

Second half:
Song: My day
In the song we learnt: we get up at 8 o’clock
We feel hungry at 12 o’clock
We play at 4 o’clock
We go to bed at 8 o’clock
Make our own clock after making the clock we use it to tell teacher the time.

Counting numbers from 1 to 20 by clapping hands, stomping feet, nodding head, and jumping..

HW : trace and write number 1 to 5