
2017年12月16日 Y2-二年级16/12教学内容和作业

【二年级 12.16中文课】

1)继续听写“他家很大”。请四位同学到白板上写,讲解及纠正写法。还有二个同学完全不会写,请家长注意:Olivia, Rebecca. 检查《对韵诗》背诵情况。check the familiarity and fluency of DuiYunGe. 本周特别表扬:陈哲慧,李晨曦。
2)复习课。继续复习本单元的重点句型,见课本第27页。按照句型口头和笔头造句。Revise:5 sentence patterns,see P27 6-10. students were required to make sentences oval and on writing, following the patterns.
3)讨论圣诞节、讨论中国传统节日。(Culture talk: talk Xmas and Chinese traditional festivals.)
4)Xmas fun:圣诞手工活动。

1,听写“圣诞节快乐”五个字。要求至少会写“节、快乐”三个字。Spelling: 圣诞节快乐。kids should at least write out three words: 节,快乐。
2,完成练习册上第一至五课的所有练习题。finish all the practice papers of lesson 1-lesson 5 in the practice book.

1)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring two copies of book, writingbook, and pencil. 2)到学校上课不需要携带字卡和CD,只需要课本、练习册、写字本和笔。no needs to bring the CD and flash cards to school but do use them to help the learning at home.
3)我们班里的纪律其中有一条是上课期间不可以上厕所,知会家长,请督促孩子课前和课间解决。Y2 will not allowed kids go toilet during lesson. Do remind your child to do it before and in the break.


Many thanks to the presents and wishes from our parents and kids.
Wish you all a great holiday and a fruitful 2018.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!