2018年03月17日 四年级家庭作业Y4 Homework(17/03/2018)
本周特别表扬Special mention this week:
课堂表现: 何伊莉(Ellie Ho),刘进希(Bosco Liu)&林启宗(Qi Zong Lin)
听写 Spellings:何伊莉(Ellie Ho)
教学内容 Teaching Contents (17/03/2018)
1. 听写了词语:医院,感冒,发烧,护士,一点儿,放心,打针 Dictated the above words and expressions, corrected mistakes students made.
2. 复习了第三课《在医院里》的生字: 医,院,感,冒,烧,带,病,护,士,量,温,针,药,就。Revised Lesson3, ” In the Hospital” learnt characters, further explained the meanings and usages of words confused easily.
3. 集体熟读第三课课文《在医院里》。Read Lesson 3, “In the Hospital” collectively!
4. 讲解了练习册A, P17, P18。 Went through Exercise Book A, P17, P18。
5. YCTs三级考试初步介绍和练习。 Introduced YCT level 3 test and practised some sample questions.
1. 请练习词语:医院,感冒,发烧,护士,一点儿,放心,打针, 下节课要抽查听写。 Please continue practising the above vocabularies for next week’s spelling test!
2. 请继续完成练习册A 上的练习: P17, P18, P23, P24, P30. Please complete Exercise Book A, P17, P18, P23, P24, P30!
3. 预习第四课《猜一猜》。 Please preview Lesson 4 “Make a Guess”!