二年级 5.12中文课/Y2-12/5 Chinese lesson

2018年05月13日 二年级 5.12中文课/Y2-12/5 Chinese lesson

二年级 5.12中文课/Y2-12/5 Chinese lesson

学习内容What we did today:
1)Warm -up: 填空并朗读诗歌《春夜喜雨》抽查背诵情况。Warm-Up by reading and reciting the poem of “Good Rain”.
2)听写。请同学到前面来写,讲解并纠正写法。Spelling and Handwriting Correction. 听写特别表扬:何明桥、陈哲慧。
3)以听写的句子为例,学习句型“……是……的”。风、雨;Take example of the spelling, learn the sentence pattern of “……是……的。”
4)继续学习第6课:动物部分字。一起做课后习题。continue with lesson six, Learn the new words of animals.
5)一起做本课作业及综合练习二。together we did the practice p32-35。
7)今日听写表扬:王宇丞,何卓贤,叶永恒,李晨曦,王靖彤;特别表扬:陈哲慧,Olivia, 何明桥。spelling stars: as above. Special praise to 陈哲慧、Olivia Martin, 何明桥 for making distinct progress in spelling and poem!

1,听写:白马,黑羊,绿虫。spelling:six words/three phases as above.
2, 熟读古诗《春夜喜雨》。read fluently aiming at recite. Please refer to last week’s homework for video and explaination.
3,完成练习册B上第6课的练习题。please finish the p35-41 papers of lesson 6 on workbook B.

1)感谢前来参加家长会的家长。Thanks for coming to parents meeting! Please note this is the link of one episode of Charlie and Lola: https://youtu.be/bxwXQm2TYyc, to find more, you may search by key words: 查理 劳拉。
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring three book, notebook for writing, and pencil.
3)按照学校要求,我们班同学可以自愿报名参加YCT1的考试。愿意报名的家长请下周把报名表和费用交给陈先生。下次课开始,教学中将会做相关练习。As per required by the head of school, y2 will have the chance to take YCT1 test. If your child like to have a try, please fill out the form and hand in next week to Mr Chan. We will do certain preparition from next week on BUT you all need more revising at home too.