2018年06月16日 四年级家庭作业Y4 Homework(16/06/2018)
本周特别表扬Special mention this week:
家庭作业 Spellings(100%):黄诚豪(Michael Huang),何伊莉(Ellie Ho)& 刘进希(Bosco Liu)
教学内容 Teaching Contents (16/06/2018)
1. 复习了第4-6课,完成了部分综合练习二(P49-51). Revised Lesson 4 to 6, completed some “Review 2” exercises all together.
2. 学习了第七课《古诗二首》的生字: 诗,首,静,床,疑,举,望,低,乡,楼,千,更,层;演示了这些字的写法,并且解释了它们的涵义以及用法。 Learnt Lesson 7, “Two Ancient Poems” new characters, demonstrated how to write them and explained their meanings and usages.
3. 学习了词语:故乡,李白,王之涣,颧雀楼;着重介绍了两位唐代著名诗人。 Learnt Lesson 7, ” Two Ancient Poems”, words and expressions, introduced two Tang Dynasty famous poets.
4. 学习了课文第7课,逐字逐句地解释了两首诗。 Learnt Lesson 7, “Two Ancient Poems”, and explained each word and each sentence’s meaning.
5. YCT三级考试练习 Practised Youth Chinese Test (YCT grade three) Examination paper.
1. 请继续认读YCT三级词汇表,看哪些词汇还不熟悉,多读!Please continue familiarising yourself with YCT grade three vocabularies.
2. 请独立完成YCT三级考试真题集Y31112(P83-96), 下节课将在课堂上讲解! Please complete YCT grade three exam practice paper P83-96. We will look at it altogether next week!
3. 请完成练习册A上的练习题: P51,第1题; P56&P57, 第1题! Please complete Exercise Book A: P51, Q1; P56&57, Q1!
4. 请熟读并且能够背诵第七课的两首诗!Please read Lesson 7’s two ancient poems fluently and can recite these two poems!