2018年06月23日 四年级家庭作业Y4 Homework(23/06/2018)
教学内容 Teaching Contents (23/06/2018)
1. 全班一起读第七课《古诗二首》。 Read aloud Lesson 7, “Two Ancient Poems”.
2. YCT三级考试练习 Practised Youth Chinese Test (YCT grade three) Examination paper.
3. YCT 考试,希望孩子们都取得好成绩! YCT exam, hope all children who took the YCT exam achieve good results!
1. 请背诵两首古诗给父母听! Please recite two ancient poems to your parent(s)!
2. 请完成练习册A上的练习题: P52,Q3; P53,Q6,7;P56, Q7;P62, Q7,P64, Q3,P66, Q6。 Please complete Exercise Book A: P52,Q3; P53,Q6,7;P56, Q7;P62, Q7,P64, Q3,P66, Q6。
3. 请预习第8课!Please preview lesson 8!