二年级6.30中文课/Y2-30/6 Chinese lesson

2018年06月30日 二年级6.30中文课/Y2-30/6 Chinese lesson

二年级6.30中文课/Y2-30/6 Chinese lesson

学习内容 What we leant:
1)Warm Up:用“花园、大门、后门、好看”造句,warm up by make sentences with the new words and phrases.
2)继续学习第10课。复习课文中出现的偏旁:艹,单人旁,女字旁,宝盖头;对比口字旁学习“国字框”。continue with lesson 10. Review the radicals appear in the text, learn new radical: guozikuang(国字框)。
2)以“园”和“国”为例介绍“从外到里”的第四汉字书写规则,解释国字框的起源。re-Introduced the fourth handwriting rule of “out-in”by example of new word “园”。explain the story behind.
3)书写练习,讲解并纠正写法。Handwriting & Correction.
Do the practice p60-62. Emphasize: “外地othet places”, “同年same year”.
Learn how to do “connection”.

1,听写:花园 四季 好看。spelling:6 words/ 3 phrases.
2, 很多同学没有完成练习册B上第10课的周三至周五的练习题。请继续。please continue to finish the workpapers from Wed. to Fri. of lesson 10 on workbook B.
3,熟读课文,最好背诵。read the text until fluent or ideally able to recite.

1)感谢家长对孩子学中文的支持,最近班上孩子进步明显。成绩属于每个家长!Our whole class is making noticable progress in spelling, poet and homework. A BIG Thanks to all the support that from every parents.
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring three book, notebook.