四年级家庭作业Y4 Homework(30/06/2018)

2018年06月30日 四年级家庭作业Y4 Homework(30/06/2018)

本周特别表扬Special mention this week:
课堂表现(Class Performance): 何伊莉(Ellie Ho)

教学内容 Teaching Contents (30/06/2018)
1. 检查第七课《古诗二首》背诵情况。 Checked how well students could recite Lesson 7, “Two Ancient Poems”.
2. 讲解练习册A上的练习题: P52,Q3; P53,Q6,7;P62,Q7。 Went through Exercise Book A’s some questions: P52,Q3; P53,Q6,7;P56, Q7;P62, Q7。
3. 学习了第8课《壶盖为什么会动》的生字:壶,盖,英,科,奇,怪,气,冲,让,常,试,验,机,位;演示了这些字的写法,并且解释了它们的涵义以及用法。 Learnt Lesson 8 , “Why Does the Kettle Lid Move” new characters, demonstrated how to write them and explained their meanings and usages.
4. 学习了词语:科学家,时候,奇怪,还是,常常,试验,后来,发明,有名;解释了这些词的涵义和用法。 Learnt Lesson 8’s words and expressions.
5. 学习了本课的重点句型:水蒸气能让壶盖动起来。 学生们在课堂上操练了这个句型。 Learnt Lesson 8’s key sentence, and students practised how to use it in the class.
6. 学习了第8课课文,并一起翻译了课文。 Learnt Lesson 8, translate the text into English altogether.

1. 请完成练习册B上的练习题。P49,第1题; P55,第1题; Please complete Exercise Book : P49,Q1; P55, Q1;
2. 复习《中文》第三册学过的所有字,词语,重点句型和课文。 完成期末考试模拟试题,下个星期期末测试! Please revise Book Three all learned characters, words and expressions, key sentences and texts, and complete the mock final examination. Formal final examination will be next Saturday!