二年级一班9.15中文课/Y2.1-15/9 Chinese lesson Summary

2018年09月15日 二年级一班9.15中文课/Y2.1-15/9 Chinese lesson Summary

学习内容 What we leant:
1)Warm Up:谈论周末计划。Warm up by talking the weekend plan,getting to know each other.
2)检查作业情况: 听写spelling:“粉”,“百”。听写结果很好,绝大多数孩子全对。请William的家长抽空帮助孩子准备听写。
背诵诗歌情况也很好。请William和沈子芳同学加油。Well Done in Both Seplling and Recite. William and 沈子芳 need help at home please.
5)学习汉字书写规则第3条:从里到外。(从上到下,从左到右)。Learn the third basic rules of writing Chinese characters: Inside-Outside.
6) 介绍反义词概念。(多少,大小)。Introduce opposites words.
7) 开始学习“偏旁”,今天学习了草字头。Starting with “艹” ,we will be learning radicals from now on.

1,听写:手,耳,头。spelling:3 words:手,耳,头
2,背诵打印内容上古诗《山村》,recite the poem on the handout. (YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJXk6aBzF-4)

注意Please note:
1)第2次课,看起来孩子们已经进入状态,彼此也开始熟悉,不再怕生和胆怯。如果有什么问题,请家长及时沟通。All children settled down very well from my point of view; however, if parents have any concerns please contact me asap.
2) 课程内容和作业会逐渐增加,请家长理解协助。The homework (such as the spellings)will be gradually increase to a level that suits most of the kids in this class, thanks for the support from parents in advance.
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring textbook (now the handouts), writing-book and pencil.