二年级9.22中文课/Y2-22/9 Chinese lesson Summary

2018年09月22日 二年级9.22中文课/Y2-22/9 Chinese lesson Summary

学习内容 What we leant:
1)Warm Up:从介绍信同学和彼此认识开始今天的课。Warm up by introducing oneself in Chinese.
2)检查作业情况: 听写spelling:“手”,“耳”“头”。请同学在白版上听写,以纠正笔顺和间架结构。听写结果很好,绝大多数孩子全对。
Both spelling and recite results were satisfying.
3)文化学习:中秋节。了解中秋故事及习俗。Cultural learning:talk the Mooncake or mid-autumn festival.
4)文化活动:制作灯笼; Cultural craft: make your own lantern. 。
5)分发新课本,并复习第1-2课内容。Review Lesson 1 and 2.

1,听写:中秋 月饼。spelling:4 words(2 phrases):中秋(mid-autumn),月饼(moon cake)
2,背诵打印内容上古诗《山村》,recite the poem on the handout. (YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJXk6aBzF-4)
3,练习册B,第2课的练习题,一共有五天的,请完成周1-周3的题。Workbook B, Please finish Mon.-Weds.

注意Please note:
1)今天原来2班的孩子并入我们班,孩子们毫无陌生,很快适应了。教学内容无缝对接。如果有什么问题,请家长及时沟通。The pupil from class 2 is now in Class 1. All children settled down very well from my point of view; however, if parents have any concerns please contact me asap.
2) 课程内容和作业会逐渐增加,请家长协助。The homework (such as the spellings)will be gradually increase to a level that suits most of the kids in this class, thanks for the support from parents in advance.
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring textbook (now the handouts), writing-book and pencil.
4) 请家长在上课时间不要随意进入教室,以免影响教学。Please do not enter the classroom during the lesson. Unless urgent, please wait until break-time. Be aware by doing so you will interrupt the whole learning and teaching process.