13/10二年级中文课(Y2,13/10 Chinese)

2018年10月13日 13/10二年级中文课(Y2,13/10 Chinese)

13/10二年级中文课(Y2,13/10 Chinese)

学习内容 What we leant:
1)Warm Up:从讨论兄弟姐妹的大小,进入今天的学习。Warm up by talking about siblings (older,younger).
2)检查作业情况/Homework checking: Spelling & Poem. 听写有三分之二同学全对,对韵诗只有3个孩子背不下来。All well done: 王洛可,哈维,云舒,乐怡;Big progress: 沈子芳,Michael, 伟良,潘美意。Need more support: 丁睿晗,四月April, Samuel陈奇恩。
3) 学习第5课Start Lesson 5: 今天的新反义词即本课重点:春夏,秋冬,天地。请家长查看孩子的记录并给与鼓励。Now we started to build a new opposites tower, please encourage your kids by talking the opposites words with them, and trying to use the pattern of AABB, or 一A一B.
4)课堂练习:学习新生字的写法;写字练习;朗读。Practice:learn how to write the new characters, read aloud, etc. (P25-27)

1,听写:风,云,雨,雪,电。spelling:5 words
2,继续背诵古诗《对韵歌》。recite the poem。(YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSpwIjvUaeE)
3,练习册A,第5课的练习题,P27-33。Workbook A,P27-33.

注意Please note:
1)课程内容和作业会逐渐增加,请家长协助。The homework (such as the spellings)will be gradually increase to a level that suits most of the kids in this class, thanks for the support from parents in advance.
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring textbook (now the handouts), writing-book and pencil.
3)关于练习册:每篇课文配有5份练习,按5天分配。要求至少保证做完3天的题;如果家长和孩子有时间,全部做完最好。There are allocated for Mon.-Fri. And the minimum requirement is three-days.
4) 请家长在上课时间不要随意进入教室,以免影响教学。Please do not enter the classroom during the lesson. Unless urgent, please wait until break-time. Be aware by doing so you will interrupt the whole learning and teaching process.