2018年11月04日 三年级作业 03-11-18
1.继续学习第三课 Learnt Lesson 3
a.唸课文,读一读及对话。解释及请学生翻译词汇或 句子
Read Text, Read aloud and Dialogue. Explained meanings of phrases and sentences.
i.同音字 same/similar sound:xin心 – 新- 欣;兴 – 星
ii.同部首(same radical): 口 – 听,告,吗,叫,听; 言 – 谁,说,语,读,讲,诉)
c.解释相近或易混肴的词汇, 问-告诉; 开心 – 好心- 放心;
Explained same or confused phrases
d.其他:新的语法 (动词)一(动词);读一读,说一说,讲一讲,唱一唱…
Others: learnt new grammar: verb+ 一+verb
e一起做练习册A 第23页 .3比一比 及 第25页3. 组词语
Went through Exercise A- P23 .3 and P25.3 together
1. 告(gào)诉(sù), 问(wèn)方(fāng)向(xiàng),谁(shuí)的(de)笔(bǐ),听(tīng)说(shuō),开(kāi)心(xīn) 各三次并准备听写 5 phrases 3 times and prepare for diction next week
2. 练习册A 第23-25页 Exercise A , P 23-25
3. 课本第22,23页 Text Book P22,23
This week’s diction only a few students got all correct, Ding zhi ran made the most progress. The rest of students please add more oil in practising Chinese
2.请注意 11月17日 期中考,请复习课本 1-3课。
Be aware on the 17-11-18, there will be a test based on lesson 1-3.