01-11 学龄前班 Preschool class

2018年11月05日 01-11 学龄前班 Preschool class

暖场歌曲: 1. 合拢张开
2. 找朋友
数字 一 – 五
1. 毛毛虫 2. 小白兔 3. 小花猫 4. 螃蟹走5. 蝴蝶飞
活动: 1. 手指谣
2. 数字和物品配对
3. 放蜡烛在蛋糕上来练习说我¬¬__岁,
4. 看看哪个数字不见了
看数字歌曲影片 : 数羊

Warm up songs: 1. Open, Shut them
2. Find Friends
Numbers : 1 to 5
Finger rhyme: 1- Caterpillar 2 – Rabbit 3 – Cat 4 – Crab 5- Butterfly
Sentence: I am —- years old.
Activities: 1. We practice finger rhyme with actions
2. We count the beads and match to the numbers
3. We put the candles on the cake to practice to say I am ___ years old.
4. Children spot which number is gone.
Watch a video : counting the sheep
Homework: Colour the numbers and draw picture / object to match the numbers.