三年级作业 24-11-18

2018年11月26日 三年级作业 24-11-18

课堂内容 Classwork:
1.请每个学生说一说自己平日的作息,吃了什么早餐- 加强学生听,说的能力
Talked about what they have done for the week, and what did they have for breakfast.

Learnt to write explained meanings of each word, radical, similar sound and use the word to make sentences or phrases.
a. 没:部首 “水”
b. 关:部首; 反义字-开; 开关 的意思
c. 系:同音字 – 习,喜,西
d. 再:同音字 – 在 , 讲解两者的不同
e. 做: 部首 “人”,同音字 – 坐,昨,左,相同偏旁 – 教,放
f. 孩: 部首 “子”, 同音字- 海

3.阅读 “读一读”- 解释意思 并请学生有机会当小老师带全班阅读
Read out text and explained the meaning

4.“对话“ 请学生翻译句子意思并,两人一组进行对话练习
Practised “dialogue” conversation

5.组字游戏:分组比赛- 利用单字卡组合找出词语。
Challenge: Find phrases by combining single word card together.

作业 homework:
1.下周听写:没关系,再见,做好孩子,笔记本,请坐 – 5 phrases for dictation next week

2.练习册B 第16 – 24 页 (数笔画,填空 请略过不写)- Exercise B P 16-24 (Please skip sections of “counting strokes”

1.本周听写成果比较差,黄健明,李晨曦,何明桥,何桌贤,王宇丞全对,其中何明桥进步最多,请保持。此次因为字比较复杂,笔画多学生容易写错,预计下几周会重复再听写 For dictation, only 5 students got all correct. Rebecca has a great improvement (well done!!), please keep up. Due to complication of these words, we will re-test in a later time.

2.期中考考卷已发,请下周六(1st. Dec.)带回课堂上讲解, 谢谢
Please bring your mid-term exam paper back next week, I will go through all the questions again. Thank you.