三年级作业 08-12-18

2018年12月10日 三年级作业 08-12-18

课堂内容 Class work
Review lesson 4 – Good manner

2.继续第五课教学 Learning Lesson five
a.说一说自己的生日 talked about your birthday

b.有关吃,喝的字汇 reviewed vocabulary about eating, drinking

c.学习写字 Learnt to write, explained meanings, word structure, radical,

d.组词,造句used the single word to make sentences or phrases.

e.解释有关日期词语的意思, 昨天,今天,前天,
learnt about date, the day before yester, yesterday, today, the day after tomorrow,…….

g.“了” 语法解释 动词 + 了 +…….. 表式此 动作已完成
Learnt grammar about “ 了(le)” verb + 了 mean the action has been complete

i.例句: 我吃面包 vs 我吃了面包 I eat bread vs I’ve eaten bread.

作业 homework:
1.面(miàn)包(bāo), 水(shuǐ)果(guǒ),六(liù)岁(suì),昨(zuó)天(tiān),给(gěi)老(lǎo)师(shī) – 各三次 下周听写 each phrase 3 times, dictation for next week

2.练习册A 第五课 P 29, 3- 组词语,5 – 连词成句, P31, 3 – 看图完成句子,P35 – 看图选字填空
Exercise A Lesson 5 P29, 3 – Read and form the phrases,
5- Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences,
P31, 3 – Complete the sentences according to the pictures
P35, 5 – Choose the right characters to fill in the blanks according to the pictures

本周听写大部分同学几乎都对,请继续保持。不定期会有加分题的听写,同学表现也很好。本周何明桥,Samuel, Olivia 和 丁芷然 写字进步很大, 谢谢同学努力及家长的指导
Well done everyone for this week’s dictation! Rebecca, Samuel, Olivia and Di zhi ran made the most progress for writing. Thanks parents and students for all the efforts that you put in learning Chinese.