2019年01月20日 三年级作业 19-01-19
课堂内容 Class work
1.与学生谈谈在家会做什么事?例用 “会”,“还会”先组词再造句最后再回答问题
Talked about what can they do at home. Use “can”, “also can” to form the phrases – then sentences – last answer questions (if it’s questioning)
a.词汇:洗衣,洗碗,洗澡,擦桌子,收拾房间,收衣 (家事类)
Housework – wash clothes, wash dishes, take shower, wipe/clean table……
b.弹钢琴,游泳,开车,画画儿 …….. (休闲类)
Leisure – play piano, swimming, driving, drawing….
2.唸课文,对话 – 翻译及讲解意思 Read and translated the text from Lesson 6
3.分组游戏 :“别”,“事”, “洗”,“会”练习组词
Game challenge: use “don’t”, “things”, “wash”, “can” to form as many phrases as possible
4.一起做练习册 P 46, 6 看图完成句子 Did Exercise B P46 together
5.排练新年节目- 年的故事 Practised the show for Chinese new year
家庭作业 Homework
1.练习册B P 42 – 46 (P44 – 2, 3 省略不做) Exercise B P42-46 ( P44 – 2,3 please skip)
2.课本 P 46 – 47 ( P46- 1省略不做) Text book P46-47 ( P46 – 1 please skip)
3.请学生以 “会(huì)” 及 “会(huì) ……. 还(hái)会(huì)” 各造一个句子; “别(bié)”各造三个词
Make sentences using “can” and “can ………also can” one sentence each; use “don’t” form 3 phrases
Note: 新年搞已给各位学生,请大家多多练习记住自己的句子,下堂课会加强学生的动作。请各位家长多多帮忙。服装方面 – 中国新年服,或红色衣服即可,不必特别购买。谢谢。
All the script has given out to all students. Please help and practise with your child. I need them speak confidently and fluently! We still have 2 more practises to go, so please keep practising. For costume – please wear Chinese costume or red and bright coloured clothes. We don’t expect you spending time on costume. Thank you.