
2019年01月26日 26/01二年级中文课(Y2,26/01Chinese)


学习内容-What Did We Do
1, Warm-Up: 我们复习朗诵了第12课的两首诗。Warm-up by reviewing the 2 poems in Lessone 12.
2, 听写/Spelling。请4个同学先后到白板来写,纠正写法和结构。4 students wrote on board, correcting hand-writing & discuss how to improve.
3,继续学习第10课。Continue with Lesson 10.
4,检查批改本课练习册上的作业。Check Lesson 10 homework on Workbook B.
5,学习新歌谣“九九歌”。Learn new poem: 九九歌.
6,练习春节联欢会的朗诵表演(具体名单见“2019新年朗诵表演Y2”), preparation for the Chinese New Year Party show.

1,听写:饺子,热闹,好看。Spelling: 6 words.
2,熟读“九九歌”。视频此处可见,for Video click here
3, 练习册B,Lesson 10,Monday-Friday.
4,In the meantime please help your child to recite the poem according to the list here: 请家长帮助孩子准备孩子选择的朗诵诗,名单见此:2019新年朗诵表演Y2

家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 为准备新年晚会,每个同学“领取”了一篇课文或者古诗词来准备,作为我们班诗词朗诵的内容。请家长鼓励孩子参加,并且在家中适当练习。In order to prepare the Chinese New Year party, each student has chosen a poem that we already learnt. They are required to read/recite aloud in front of the school. Please help them to practice.

感谢家长支持!Thanks as always!