三年级作业 26-01-19

2019年01月28日 三年级作业 26-01-19

课堂内容 Class work
1.检讨作业,请学生说一说 “会”, “会…….还会”造句 Reviewed homework together

2.唸课文,再讲解 “不少”, “不多”, “不多不少”的意思
Read text, explained meanings of “不(bù)少(shǎo)”, “不(bù)多(duō)”, “不(bù)多(duō)不(bù)少(shǎo)” – easily get confused with the real meaning

3.开始第七课 Started a new Lesson
i.唸课文,讨论课文意思,回答问题 Read the text, discussed its meaning

ii.学习写字 – 讲解意思,部首,同音字或同音不同音调的字,组词及用法Learnt to write, explained meanings, word structure, radical, use single word to make sentences or phrases.

iii.量词解说及用法 – eg, 件(jiàn),个(gè),张(zhāng),只(zhī),本(běn)
Grammar Note: use of measure words

4.排练 “年的故事”Practised Chinese new year show

家庭作业 Homework
1.两(liǎng)件(jiàn)宝(bǎo), 双(shuāng)手(shǒu) – 个写5次 并准备下周听写 2 phrases write 5 times and prepare for test

2.练习册A P43 – 45 Exercise Book A P43-45
3.熟读课本 第45页 绕口令 read text book P45 Tongue Twister until fluently

1.请大家再多多练习“年的故事”记熟自己的台词。除了- 周晓欣,黄健明,何卓贤可看搞但需再加强流利度,其他请记住尽量不看搞。
Please encourage your child practising his/her lines of “story of nian”. Narrators – xiao xin, James Huang, Ethen Ho, can read from script but need to be fluently, the rest please remember your lines.
