五年级家庭作业Y5 Homework(02/02/2019)

2019年02月02日 五年级家庭作业Y5 Homework(02/02/2019)

教学内容 Teaching Contents (02/02/2019)
1. 听写了词语“好处,衣服,被子,健康“,听写得较好的学生有:安语瑶,威廉,郑亦珑,郑美怡;
2. 复习了第四课《晒太阳》词语,常用副词:“…也…”(表示同样), “…才…”(表示条件), “…不…” (否定句);
3. 重点句型: 太阳不晒草不绿! “…不..不…” ,两个“不”连用,表示双重否定;
4. 课堂上一起完成练习册B部分练习题,P19,Q3; P20,Q7;P23,Q7;P26,Q7;
5. 话剧排练!
1. 请 在家练习新年演出节目,记住自己的台词部分(尽量可以脱稿),下个星期六早上9:15分到学校礼堂集合最后排练一下!Please practise Chinese New Year’s play at home, remember own part of the script(try without the script as long as possible), and please come to school theatre at 9:15am on next Saturday, and we will have final rehearsals for the show!
2. 请搜索些有关中国新年的信息以及对比世界各国庆祝新年的方式(可以选择一个国家作为对比), 并且把所有的信息以画报的形式上交! Please do some research on Chinese New Year and find some facts, choose at least one other country as comparison, present your information in the form of post and hand it in on Saturday 16 February 2019!