02/02二年级中文课(Y2,02/02 Chinese)

2019年02月02日 02/02二年级中文课(Y2,02/02 Chinese)

02/02二年级中文课(Y2,02/02 Chinese)

学习内容-What Did We Do
1, Warm-Up: 上课前我们一起贴对联,复习有关中国春节的重要字词。Warm-up by putting-up the couplet, and reviewing the important words and phrases for Chinese New Year.
2, 听写/Spelling。请6个同学先后到白板来写,纠正写法和结构。6 students wrote on board, correcting hand-writing & discuss how to improve.
3,开始学习第11课。Continue with Lesson 11.
第二节课我们一起庆祝中国新年 After Break we had a special lesson of Chinese New Year.
1, 了解对联是用毛笔、纸、墨写成的,认识毛笔,并用毛笔学写“福”字。To acknowledge that couplet is traditionally written by brush, ink and paper. Try to use brush, to learn “福” and how to write it.
2,画画:画出我心中的中国新年。Drawing: Chinese New Year in my mind.
3,练习春节联欢会的朗诵表演(具体名单见“2019新年朗诵表演Y2”), preparation for the Chinese New Year Party show.
1,请家长和孩子一起,确认自家大门面朝哪个方向?房子的东南西北四个方向各是什么?Work out with parents which direction your front door faces to, what on the east/west/north/south of your house.
2,熟读“九九歌”。视频此处可见,for Video click here
3, Please help your child to recite the poem according to the list here: 请家长帮助孩子准备孩子选择的朗诵诗,名单见此:2019新年朗诵表演Y2

家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 为准备新年晚会,每个同学“领取”了一篇课文或者古诗词来准备,作为我们班诗词朗诵的内容。请家长鼓励孩子参加,并且在家中适当练习。In order to prepare the Chinese New Year party, each student has chosen a poem that we already learnt. They are required to read/recite aloud in front of the school. Please help them to practice.

感谢家长支持!祝大家春节愉快,猪年吉祥!Thanks For your support! Wish everyone a fruitful pig year!