2019年02月27日 23-02 Preschool学龄前班
暖场歌曲: 伸出你的双手/ 鲨鱼一家子
词:米饭,饺子, 面条,
句型: 我喜欢吃饺子。
活动:1. 音响调音 (当老师把字卡摆低时,小朋友练习说的生字要小声,当老师把字卡摆高时则要大声说生字)
2. 句型重组 (我喜欢吃)
3. 做面条 (用面条做“口”字)
4. 看唐诗 “悯农” 影片
Warm up song: Can you point your finger / shark family
Phrase: rice, dumplings, noodles
Sentence: I like to eat…..
Chinese character learning : 口
Poem: 悯农
Activities: 1. Toning ( This game is helping the children to practice the phrase – when the teacher put the flash card down , the children say the word quietly and when teacher raises the card up , the children will also raise up their voice )
2. Unscramble the sentence ( Helping the children to recognize the characters)
3. Making noodles (after making the noodles, children made the character we learnt, 口,with the noodles)
4. Watch a video of the Chinese poem
Homework: Maze