2019年03月04日 02/03二年级中文课(Y2,02/03 Chinese)
02/03二年级中文课(Y2,02/03 Chinese)
学习内容-What Did We Do
1, Warm-Up: 讨论天气和季节。Warm-up by talking the weather and season.
2, 复习第11课。Revision:Lesson 11. 感觉这节课“认方向”对版税许多同学有难度,再次用半节课复习了识别地图上的方向和课文。It turn out that this lesson is harder for most children in the class, therefore we spend more time to revise.
3,做Work-Book B上11课的练习。
Test. By using the end of book Exercises section, we did a small test. The result will be discussed at parent- meeting.
1,请家长和孩子一起,以下面地图为例,讨论东西南北、东南、西北、东北、西南八个方向。Parents please talking below map with your child using the 8 directions. For instance: 英国在中国的哪一个方向?欧洲的南边是哪个洲?等等。
2,完成WorkBook B上第11课的练习题。Finish work-book B,Lesson 11.
家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 我们即将开始于3月9日开始使用第二册新教材,新书已经发给学生。请准备现金10磅的书费,交给Shirley老师或者陈先生Alvin。We will start ZhongWen 2 next week. Please make the payment of the book fee 10 pounds to Mr Alvin Chen or Ms Shirley.
2, 下周课后将安排家长会。请家长争取参加。We will have parent-meeting next week and the week after, after lesson from 12:05, please book your slot and I hope to meet every parent in due course.
感谢家长支持!祝大家诸事如意!Thanks For your support! Wish everyone a fruitful pig year!