三年级作业 02-03-19

2019年03月05日 三年级作业 02-03-19

课堂内容 Class work
1.复习所有的量词 Reviewed all the measure words

Discussed text on lesson 8 and some similar topics about sunrise, sunset……etc

Learnt new vocabulary, explained meanings, word structure, and radical, use single word to make sentences or phrases.

4.“也” 字的用法 – eg, 我会写字。我会画画儿。 我会写字也画画儿 。
Learnt the use of “也(yě)” (also, too). Place in the middle of two things that mentioned in the sentence.

5.学习句型 “会不会”的句子用法,意思及如何回答问题
Learnt sentence pattern “ 会(huì)不(bú)会(huì)“ (Verb. + 不(bù) + Verb.),meaning, use in the sentence and how to answer question

6.一起做练习册B 第52页 Did Exercise B, page 52 Reconstruct the sentences with “不(bù)“

家庭作业 Homework
1.月(yuè)亮(liàng),跟(gēn)你(nǐ)们(men)走(zǒu),为(wèi)什(shén)么(me),很(hěn)远(yuǎn) 各写三次 并准备下周听写 write 4 phrases 3 times and prepare for next’s spelling

2.练习册B 第48-54页 Exercise B p48 – 54

1.本班的一对一家长会,将于3月16 及23日 下课后每个家长5分钟,请家长自行到教室外填写时间 Parents 1-1 meeting will be held on the 16th and 23rd of March after end of lesson, 5 mins each. Please fill in time schedule form outside the classroom. Thank you.

2.本学期的学习测验将于 3月23日举行,内容包括1-8课。请家长留意
We will held a “mid-term exam” on 23rd of March, contents include lesson 1-8. Please be aware.