三年级作业 23-03-19

2019年03月23日 三年级作业 23-03-19

课堂内容 Class work:

1.春季期中考Spring-term Exam

2.第九课3个词汇听写,今天全对的有- 黄凯文,黄健明,叶永恒,Olivia (美伶),这几位小朋友非常努力,很棒。 其他同学请加油, 下周再考一次。
Triston, James, Keith and Olivia got 100% for spelling test this week. Well done!! The rest of the class, please catch up and we will do the same spelling for next week.

a. 河river – 部首 水, 同音不同声调 喝,和,禾
b. 流 flow- 部首 水, 词 – 河流,流水,流动
c. 动 move – 部首 力, 词 – 动一动,运动
d. 湖 lake – 部首 水, 比较 湖 – 河 的不同
e. 游 – 部首 水, 不同字的组合意思就不同 eg, 游泳 swim, 旅游 travel, 游走 walk
f. 飞 fly – 造句 飞机会飞,小鸟会飞
Learnt new vocabulary, explained meanings, word structure, radical, use single word to make sentences or to form phrases

4.唸课文,讲解课文意思 及 课文的词语意思
Read Lesson 9 text, explained the meaning and phrases from the text

家庭作业 Homework

1.本周2个词 – 河流,流动 各写3次。下周听写 – 时(shí)间(jiān),光(guāng)亮(liàng),黑(hēi)夜(yè),河(hé)流(liú),流(liú)动(dòng) There are 5 phrases for spelling test next week.

2.练习册 A 56 – 63 页,部首,笔画部分不做。Exercise book A P 56-63, please skip count stoke or radical section.

1.练习册里写字部分可省略不写,但要求学生对新学的字会写会读。If your child finds it difficult in “Learn to write” section in Exercise book, you can skip them. However, please ensure your child and read and write these new words.

2.书法(硬笔)比赛 – 比赛用纸已发给有兴趣的同学。请大家多多鼓励小孩参加。 字数不限,内容不限。建议课本课文39页 或 48 页。
Writing competition – The paper has already given to students who are interested to take part in. Please encourage your child ! This will gain your child’s confidence in learning Chinese. I would suggest text from P39 or P48 is good for them to write. Please hand-in ASAP from next. Thank you and Good luck!