2019年04月01日 30-03-19 三年级作业
1看图说一说- 利用自然风景图让学生了解湖和河的不同,并让学生说出有什么不同
Looked at pictures, figure out the differences between lake & river and explain the differences in Chinese.
2听写测验- spelling test – Well done everyone !
学习写字,讲解单字意思,部首,字结构,同音不同声调 及多音字讲解
Learnt new vocabulary, explained meanings, word structure, radical, use single word to make sentences or to form phrases
i.长 :丿部首, 多音字
a).用做动词 读 Zhang – 意是 长高,长大
Use Verb: read as “zhang 3rd tone” means grow eg. grow taller, grow up
b)用做形容词读 chang – 意思 长 短
Use as Adj.: read as “chang 2nd tone”, means long, this pen is very long
ii.想: 心 部首 , 有四个意思 contains 4 meanings
a.用脑子想 – 想办法 brainstorming /think about
b.推测 – 我想他不来上学了 make a guess, predict
c.想做某事 – 我想去中国玩 would like to
d.想念 – 我想家, 我想爸爸妈妈 miss/think of
4读一读: 唸词语并解释每个词语的意思,及利用词语造句
Explained meaning and read together in “Read aloud” section
5学习本课重句用 “为什么“ 造句-
Focus on “ why” to make sentences, 2 ways of using it in grammar
a.主词 + 为什么 + 谓语 eg. 河水 为什么流动? Subject + “why ” + verb…..
b.为什么 + 主语 + 谓语 eg. 为什么河水流动 ? “why” + subject + verb…..
6完成对话及阅读的部分 – 一起朗读并将其中重要或不懂的词语加以解释
Completed “Dialogue” and “Reading” section. Explained each sentence and some new phrases.
7.作文题目- 我的中文学校,给学生讲解如何写作, 请于4月27日完成并交回
Chinese creative writing – My Chinese School, please hand-in on 27th April, the first week back after Easter break.
1.流星,长高,想家 – 下周听写 3 phrases for spelling test next week
2.完成练习册A 64- 69 页 Please complete Exercise Book A p64-69.
3.短篇作文- 我的中文学校。四月二十七日交 Chinese writing – My Chinese School. Deadline 27th April 2019
注意事项 Note:
请家长鼓励小孩做一篇短文, 题目是 “我的中文学校“,上课中已给孩子们讲解过,并有张提示清单,内容可以是回答清单上的问题。主要目地给小孩将所学过的单句经自己整理组织成为一篇文章 . 5-6 句即可不给小孩太大压力。谢谢家长支持。
The Chinese creative writing paper has already given out. Please encourage your child to write a short Chinese writing. I have attached a short list of ideas/questions to follow if your child finds it difficult. 5-6 sentences would be perfect as this is the first attempt. Thank you for your support!!