三年级家庭作业 06-04-19

2019年04月13日 三年级家庭作业 06-04-19

Talked about 4 seasons and weather, and reminded students how to write these words.

Read all the texts in Lesson 9, quickly explained new vocabulary or sentences.

Nearly everyone’s done good spelling this week, only Mathew, Ethan, Keith had a slightly mistake. Well done, everybody.

Started Lesson 10- read text, explained meaning of text and asked questions.

5.学习写字,讲解单字意思,部首,字结构,同音不同声调 及多音字讲解。需注意的单字有:
a.种 – 当名词(seeds)唸3声, 动词(sow)唸4声
b.发 – 第一声,头发- 唸四声
Learnt new vocabulary, explained meanings, word structure, radical, use single word to make sentences or to form phrases.

6.看影片 – 植物的生长, 并解说 “芽” 与 “苗” 的不同
Watched a video clip about plants life cycle and let students figure out the differences of character “芽(yá)“ and “苗(miáo)”

家庭作业 homework
1.下次听写:种(zhǒng)瓜(guā),要(yāo)看(kàn)书(shū),发(fā)芽(yá),树(shù)苗(miáo) – 4 spelling phrases for test next lesson

2.课本综合练习(三)68 – 71 全部 Text book p68-71

3.作文 – 我的中文学校 Chinese creative writing – My Chinese school