2019年04月28日 三年级家庭作业 27-04-19
1.检讨第二次期中考考卷 Went through 2nd term exam paper
2.读一读课文再讲解课文意思 Read out text in Lesson 10 and explained meanings
3.本周听写几乎全班都100分,请卓贤, 语琪, Sam, 达然再加油!注意听写的词汇,别搞错 . Well done Class! Most of the students got spelling all correct. Ethan H, Yu qi, Sam and Mathew please catch up.
4.讲解读一读里的词汇意思并造句 Explained meanings of phrases in “Read aloud” section
5.练习本课重要句 “要“的语法 Practised Grammar of “ 要 “ (meaning want to; depending on verb, can be do something, go somewhere, or simply just want the action to be done)
主语 + “(不) 要”+动词+ 宾语;
Subject + “(bu) yao” + verb + object
家庭作业 Homework
1.下周听写 “春(chūn)夏(xià)秋(qiū)冬(dōng)”,“东(dōng)西(xī)南(nán)北(běi)”
Spelling for next week “4 seasons” and “4 directions.
2.练习册B 62- 71 Exercise B p62-71
1.请报考YCT 2 的家长, 下周请填完表格缴费完成报名手续 。费用请放入信封并注明名字交给学校。 YCT 2 考试费 £20, 另模拟题本 £8
For those taking YCT 2, please fill in the form and pay the fees next week. Fees and form please put them in a sealed envelope with a your child’s name. YCT 2 exam fee £20, Practise papers £8
2.本学期课程安排 Arrangements for this term
五月04,11,18 日 以课本10,11,12课为主;
04/11/18 May – mainly on text book 10-11
5月25日,6月8日YCT2 题型练习讲解, 25/05, 8/6 Focus on YCT 2
6月15日 YCT 2 考试 , 15/06 YCT 2 Exam Day
6月15,22,29课本12及总复习,15,22,29/ June text book Lesson 12 and revision
7月6日 全年期末考, 6/7 Last term Final exam – Lesson 1-12