27/04二年级中文课(Y2,27/4 Chinese)

2019年04月28日 27/04二年级中文课(Y2,27/4 Chinese)

27/04二年级中文课(Y2,27/4 Chinese)

学习内容-What we learnt in brief
1, 复习。第一节课我们复习了第1-2课学过的生字、词组和句型。After a long break,we spend first hour to revise the characters and sentence patterns we have learnt over the past weeks. Which ended with a fun spelling test.
2, 检查写作作业。写了的同学大声读给全班同学听。有几个同学没有写,请补上。Check the “writing a letter” homework. The ones did it read it to the whole class and received comments from classmates. The ones did not do it have been reminded to do it as part of this week’s homework.
3, 开始学习第3课。Start lesson 3, book 2. 新字词/key characters: 。重点句型:谁是?是谁?谁的?(这)那是谁?
4, 老师检查批改作业。Teacher Checked & Marked Workbooks。

1,练习册/Work-book: A, 第3课至少三天的练习。Work-book A, Lesson 2,Monday-Wed.
2,熟读、最好背诵新课文“放学了”。Read the text of lesson 3 until fluently or being able to recite.
3,听写:放学,今天,星期,告诉,下午,朋友,开心。共7个词。Spelling:7 phrases。(注意:尽管听起来很多,但是第一次接触的生字只有星期和告诉4个字。Does sounds alot BUT please note only 4 characters are complete new.)

家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 学校将组织YCT考试,二年级同学建议参加YCT1或者YCT2测验。感兴趣的家长请直接跟学校填表&缴费报名。For the YCT test,if you are interested to enrol your child please speak to Mrs Chen or Mr Chen directly.
2, 家长会后很多孩子的进步明显。谢谢家长支持。如有问题,欢迎随时和白老师面谈。I can clearly see some children are making distinct progress after the parent-meeting. Thank you for the solid support. Again, if you have any concerns please speak to Ms Bai.

Thank you as always for your support!