26-04-2019 学龄前班(Preschool Class)

2019年04月30日 26-04-2019 学龄前班(Preschool Class)

暖场歌曲:两只老虎 / 头肩膀膝脚趾
复习五官身体:眼睛/鼻子/耳朵/嘴/ 手,脚
活动:用歌谣来复习 (头肩膀膝脚趾 )
活动:1. 声量游戏 (让小朋友多多练习新词)
2. 打保龄球
活动:1. 看水字的由来
2. 用吸管排水字
3. 用学过的字造词:大水/ 口水
4. 水主题故事:1. 刷牙
2. 谁尿床了

Warm up songs: Two tigers / Head and Shoulders
Review Body parts : eyes / nose / ears / mouth/ hand/ foot
Activity: We choose one body part to be silent when singing the song “ Head and Shoulders”
Review conversation: please be quiet / Please put your hands up
New Theme “What do you drink?”
Phrase: water, milk, juice
Sentence: Milk is yummy.
Activities: 1. Volume game
2. Go bowling
Review Characters: 小,大,口,手,目
New Character: 水
Activity: 1. Watch a video the origin and stroke of 水
2. Use straws to make 水
3. Make phrases with 水 ( 大水/ 口水)
4. Story: 1. Brush teeth
2. Who wets the bed
Homework: find and circle the character 水