2019年05月04日 04/05二年级中文课(Y2,04/05 Chinese)
04/05二年级中文课(Y2,04/05 Chinese)
学习内容-What we learnt in brief
1, Warm-Up/预热:讨论天气和冷热。Warm-up by discuss the weather. Main words revised: 冷-热。
2, 听写/Spelling:有4个同学全部写对。潘美燕同学最近的听写有巨大进步,特此表扬。Thumb up for Liz who has been making distinct progress in spelling recently.
3, 结合课文学习讲解写故事的要素/what are needed for a story: when, who, where, what.
4,继续学习第3课/continue with Lesson 3. 用新学的字词和句型练习造句。
5, 学习新古诗《风》。Video here/链接: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrFwSMqSKOg
1,练习册/Work-book: A, 第3课全部练习。Work-book A, Lesson 2,Monday-Fri.
2,熟读古诗《风》。Read the above poem until fluent or being able to recite.
3,写作/writing:用最近学过的字词,模仿本课课文写故事,至少3句话,应该有when, who, where, what的信息。
家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 学校将组织YCT考试,二年级同学建议参加YCT1或者YCT2测验。感兴趣的家长请直接跟学校填表&缴费报名。For the YCT test,if you are interested to enrol your child please speak to Mrs Chen or Mr Chen directly.
2, 家长会后很多孩子的进步明显。谢谢家长支持。如有问题,欢迎随时和白老师面谈。I can clearly see some children are making distinct progress after the parent-meeting. Thank you for the solid support. Again, if you have any concerns please speak to Ms Bai.
Thank you as always for your support!