2019年05月05日 三年级作业04-05-19
Free talk about weather, 4 seasons and months.
2.听写四季及4个方向,并有个加分题 “种子发芽,小树苗长大“。大部分同学全对,有部分小错误。加分题大约1/3同学会写,加分题目的让大家记住所学过的字不要忘记,大家多多加油
Well done everyone on spelling!! We had a bonus sentence for spelling but only 1/3 of the class managed to it correctly. Those words have been tested a week before so please remember.
Explained and read out all the texts in Lesson 10
Learnt plant circle by playing games
5.要,不要, 的语法造句
Practised “yao”, “bu yao” to make up sentences.
6.唸第十一课课文, 解释开头的两个子 Started on Lesson 11
家庭作业 homework
1.下周听写: 要(yào)发(fā)芽(yá),出(chū)发(fā),小(xiǎo)树(shù)苗(miáo),种(zhǒng)子(zi),果(guǒ)树(shù),长(zhǎng)高(gāo)长(zhǎng)大(dà)。
Spelling for next week 7 phrases
2.练习册B 星期四-星期五 Exercise book B P72-76
3.熟唸课本P78 “种子“ Read “Seeds” on text book p78 until fluently