2019年05月11日 11/05/2019四年级教学内容及作业
1.复习上周学习的词语并听写 Review last week’s words and spelling test
2.生字 new words:聪明smart,有的 some,游戏 game,别的 other,只有 only,办法 way,石头 stone
3.朗读第8课《司马光》,故事动画欣赏 Read lesson 8th, watch the film about this story
4.学习词语组合:动词+名词 phrase: verb.+ noun.
a.从课文中找出词语组合“动词+名词” find the phrase: verb.+ noun. from the text
b.每人写三个词语组合“动词+名词” write out 3 different phrase: verb.+ noun.
c.根据图中内容,写出词语组合“动词+名词” according to the picture, write out the phrase: verb.+ noun.
练习册B P51-57