2019年05月19日 2019年5月18日学前班reception教学内容和家庭作业homework
1,暖场歌曲:现在几点了 1 &2 ,月份歌,星期歌,months of the year
Warm up songs: What time is now 1&2 ; Chinese months songs ; week’s song; months of the year
2,复习时间:现在几点了? 现在 一~十二点/ 一~十二点半。
Review “time”: What time is now ?
It’s 1~12 o’clock.
It’s half past 1~12.
Continue to learn “months”: January ,February, March, April , May, June, July , August, September, October ,November, December.
And the corresponding English saying.
Learn to sing “ months of the year”
Continue to learn “ week”: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , Friday ,Saturday ,Sunday .
And the corresponding English saying.
Learn to sing “ week’s song”
5,学习“昨天”,“今天”“明天”。Learn “yesterday, today, tomorrow.”
昨天星期几?昨天星期五。What day was yesterday? Yesterday is Friday.
今天星期几?今天星期六。What day is it today? Today is Saturday.
明天星期几?明天星期日。What day is it tomorrow? Tomorrow is Sunday.
6,学习写“昨天,今天,明天” learn to write “ yesterday, today, tomorrow”
try to do : wordbook 2a lesson4 No.3,6,7

听读课文listen and read lesson 4.
读卡片read flash cards “今天today,昨天yesterday,明天tomorrow ,星期一Monday ,星期二Tuesday ,星期三Wednesday ,星期四Thursday ,星期五Friday ,星期六Saturday ,星期日Sunday ”